6) They're Going To Have Little Weasley Babies!

Start from the beginning

"Hey Mil, can you give me a hand?" I called and she snapped out of her trance, walking over and scooping up a second sponge to attack Opal's legs with. "Are you okay?"

She gave me a 'what-are-you-talking-about' look. "Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?"

I sent a 'really?' look. "Amelia Davis, you wouldn't be trying to tell me a fib, would you?"

She wouldn't meet my gaze when a smirk spread across her face and she flung her arm round, sponge in hand and sprayed me from head-to-toe with dirty water. I gasped in shock and Hermione and Pansy paused in the middle of their conversation, and Ginny looked up from reading her Muggle magazine, to stare at her in their own bewilderment. Meeting the smirking Amelia I jerked my hand and the bucket beside her whizzed into the air and poured its contents all over her.

She gasped and stood there sopping wet, her mouth hanging open. "LILY POTTER!!!!"

I spun on my heel, running away from her and the girls shrieked, trying to keep dry in the water fight that was taking place. I threw the few sponges I had at Mil, who blocked them easily with her arms rather than catching them because then water would splat you in the face. She reached the second bucket first and I bolted around the clearing, trying not to get wet. Running in circles with an amused Opal puffing smoke to block your vision and the laughter of the girls would have been quite the sight.

The boys suddenly apparated on the spot in front of us and I almost collided with Draco, who jumped out of the way as Amelia came hurtling towards him. I grabbed a hold of an unsuspecting Blaise and put him in front of me as a shield, just as Mil poured the water all over him.

There was a gasp from everyone and Mil covered her mouth with her hand in shock. Awkward silence rung throughout the trees before Amelia couldn't help herself and broke down in a fit of giggles. Must say Blaise looked pretty hot, his soaked shirt clinging to his toned body and his hair clung to his face. Blaise watched her before smiling himself and finally gave in to her contagious laughter, laughing along with her.

I rolled my eyes and with a flick of my hand all three of us were now dry and we returned to the fire. A flutter of wings had all of us turn around to see Tharni soar through the trees and landed on my shoulder nuzzling her smooth beak into my cheek. "Hey, girl." I cooed, patting her sleek feathers and untied the letter from her ankle.

Ron glanced over my shoulder. "That's Bill's writing."

Hermione whacked him upside the head. "Well, it's not addressed to you so stop snooping."

They all sat back and waited and watched as I slowly opened the letter and scanned the words. I suddenly let out a squeal, causing everyone to jump and Tharni to lift off my shoulder in fright before settling back down.

"What is it?" Ginny asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Both Antonia and Fleur are expecting! They're going to have little Weasley babies!"

Everyone broke into smiles and began discussing the babies genders and hair colour, while Ron complained to Hermione about how I had been the one to receive the letter and not him. She gave him a pat on the back in sarcastic sympathy. "Oh, I hope they're both girls." Ginny gushed. "Then they can grow up being best friends."

"What's wrong with boy-girl friendships?" Amelia and Blaise defended together, crossing their arms and all as they sat beside each other.

"Nothing," I assured them. "I wonder if either of them will inherit the Weasley red hair."

"Of course, they will." Seamus chuckled.

"Not necessarily," Hermione argued. "Both women have prominent hair."

"Yeah, Fleur's is so silver I don't think the actual element can compete."

"And Antonia's is pure white." Harry pointed out.

"Who's betting what?"


Harry and Ginny were goofing off in the back of the classroom as Professor Gregory stood droning about on out of the textbook about repelling Dementors. I sat in between Ron and Dean in the middle aisle of three seats. Ron leant in towards me. "What did you and Hermione find out about David Gregory?"

I sent him a quizzical look. "Why don't you ask your girlfriend?"

He smirked. "She said to ask you."

I rolled my eyes but nodded. "We found a book on the Gregory family. Which reminds me, I need to read through it."

Ron seemed happy with the amount of information I had given him and returned his attention to scratching his initials into the desk. I tucked my knees under my chin and watched Gregory with a bored look. And creepily, as if he knew I was watching him, his eyes left the book and lifted to meet mine, he stopped talking and there were a few seconds of silence as he ogled me. Dean, Draco and Ron cleared their throats or coughed to bring him back to the classroom.

He blinked and snapped the textbook shut. "Students, I have an exciting announcement to make. This week the professors are deciding on students who would like and who should do N.E.W.Ts. If anyone would like to do them for this subject, please see me after class. Thank you, you are dismissed. Ah, Miss Potter, may I please speak to you?"

As the students filed out, Draco leant against the doorframe in his strikingly sexy pose he always managed to have. David glared at him, meaning for him to leave but Draco returned the glare with a bored look not budging. David cleared his throat, returning his attention to me. "Miss Potter, I've noticed your achievement in this subject and I'm pleased to tell you that you will be doing N.E.W.Ts."

I couldn't help but scoff. "You've noticed my talents, have you? So, you want me to take Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests?"

His eyes flickered to my fiancé. "Yes."

"No," I shook my head, smiling slightly. "I will not be doing those exams, especially since you said so. Because I don't need to, I am the Dark Arts, so you better watch out, David."


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