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abby's POV

ethan attempts to get up. i lay him back down.

"so" i turn to the doctor "what are the symtoms?"

"right now she is dehydrated, she has a sever loss in appitite, and several other things...we are also going to diagnose her with depression."

"uh..okay" i said trying to keep calm mostly for ethan otherwise i would be a mess right now

"im sorry" the doctor said walking out of the room

"ethan?" i walked over to him "how did all this happen?"

"i, i dont remember i just remeber telling her i loved her and i dont know why she blames it on herself" he said wiping his eyes "its my fault" he sniffed "i was driving"

i sat down on the edge of his bed and hugged him with my one arm "its no ones fault"

he started sobbing "what have i done"

i began to cry too "everything will be okay" i said rubbing his shoulder

"good news a doctor walked in"

ethan and i looked up

"ethan youre cleared to go home" he smiled "just let me get you a wheel chair"

the doctor returned with a wheel chair and i helped ethan get to it

Ethan's POV

"i want to se rem!" i demanded

"okay" abby said pushing me out of the room

we walked, well i wheeled into Remmington's room

"please leave me abby" I said

then abby walked out without a word said

I rolled over to Remmington she started opening her eyes. i went to hug her

"no" She said scootching away "I made that happen to you...you don't deserve me."

"rem you didn't do this you were just sitting in the passenger seat it's not your fault and it's not mine it's the guys that was on the wrong side of the road"

her head dropped

"do you want something"

"yes rem...please stop trying to push me away"

She seemed so distant as if she were in another world

"please hug me..rem?"

She looked over "I guess"

we hugged I held her tightly I missed the feeling of her in my arms.

after we hugged for a bit she pulled me in closer and started crying

"I'm so sorry"

"don't be baby girl this isn't your fault"

"okay" she said pulling away and squeezing my hand while forcing a smile

"I'm staying here with you tonight babe"

"oh uh okay"

when night came I was restless. I was too worried to fall sleep. so I feel asleep for like half an hour then woke up and later slept for another half an hour and the cycle continued through the night.

when morning came I was just sitting waiting for rem to wake up

she finally woke

"ethan?" She asked rubbing her eyes

"yeah babe"

"when can we go home"

"hopefully soon babe"

"okay" she said "maybe today?"



the day was slow and boring
a.n. // like this chapter :)

at 830 at night a doctor came in


"yes?" I asked moving his way

he whispered to me "Ms.jones is being released today...I'll leave it to you to tell her but I'll be back with her anti-depressants"

"okay" I whispered back

he walked out and I turned to rem... making my way over to the side of her bed smiling widely

"what Ethan?" She giggled because of my grin

"you're being released"

"really?" she looked looked at me and her eyes lit up

"yes babygirl"

She hugged me

she then buried her face in my chest "I love you"

I rubbed her back

"i love you too"

the doctor walked in with an orange bottle in his hand

"these are your anti depressants" He said shoving them in remmingtons face "you are to take 2 a day one in the morning and one before bed"

"okay" she said as I swiped the pills out of his had.

"all you have to do is check out and you're ready to go" the doctor said walking out of the room

soon after my doctor walked in telling me I must learn to use crutches so I left Remmington and had a short session on using crutches and then began to walk with them. once i got rem up and signed out i called an Uber to pick us up.

once we got to Remmington's place I called abby to tell her the news and how I will be off crutches soon. considering how fast I was healing.

A.N.// this is most slow and boring chapter ever please read the next one it will be way better I promise you

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