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it's been 5 months since ethan visited


He found me.

laying on the ground.

"mmhph" I puffed I couldn't move. everything going in slow motion and slightly blurry. I felt as if I couldn't speak or move. I just lay there on the hard wood floor. I felt tired.

next thing I knew ethan had picked me up. then I was in an ambulance.

soon to the hospital.

once they gave me i.v. 's I began to understand what was happening

a doctor came in the room

"when was the last time you ate?" He asked

"i-i- I don't know" I said "I have hardly eaten the last 5 months"

"okay" He said as he walked up to ethan because he was the only one there.

"we must slowly feed her till her stomach becomes normal sized...do not over feed"

"okay" ethan nodded

"along with that we did some brain and emotional exercises and she seems to be depressed." He followed up with "if we don't work on it..if the will become severe very quickly"

"okay" ethan replied.

the doctor walked out of the room

"I'm so thankful you're alive"

I looked down at my hands

"I need you"

I looked at him "life is a joke"

"no" He said as the doctor walked back in

"She is being released you must stay with her. she can not be alone at all"

"okay" ethan nodded as he walked over and helped me up.

he rubbed his hand up and down my side but it was nothing but skin and bones. I had no muscle or fat. I weighed a good 80 pounds.

once we arrived to the hotel room we sat on the couch.

"how are you"

"alive" I answered

"okay are you still mad at me?"

"all you need to know is that I want to go home to LA" I said my voice cracked as I started to cry

ethan looked at me with a stunned look as if he just realized something.

tears we forming in his eyes and some fell down his cheeks. he scooted closer to me.

"did- did i do this so you?" He said as more tears fell.

I looked at him and began to sob. I covered my face with my hands.

he grabbed my wrists and held them away from my face

"tell me...did I do this to you?"

I nodded, crying even more.

"oh" He said as he held my face in his hands

my tears we falling

"I'm so sorry...I never meant to hurt you"

"YES YOU DID!" I yelled, you could hear the lump in my throat and the pain in my words

I stood up

"no" He stood up too

we both stood there crying

"then why did you do it?" I asked "huh?"

"I was having a hard time with you not remembering me and I thought it was the only way for me to get through it. I thought it would help me through my pain."

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