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I felt depressed. everything built up inside of me.

I couldn't  take the abuse anymore. I wanted to find someone to be with and travel and explore not someone who will cheat on me.

a knock on my door.

"come in" I yell

"Remmington it's ethan remember me?"

"yes I remember you" I said with a severe additude as I crossed my arms.

"oh" He said then he ran over to hug me

i pulled away "what are you doing?!"

"remember I'm your boyfriend"

"no you are not." I become even more angry

"so you still don't remember?"

"yes I have my memory back"

"I didn't know"

"maybe you would of if you hadn't left for two weeks"

"oh I can explain"

"no need to" I said "I know the whole story"

"wait what?"

a tear rolled down my cheek

"I said... I know the whole story!"

"I'm so sorry"

"no you're not. I thought you were different."

"listen" He tried wrapping his arm around me

"there is nothing to listen to" I said clinching my teeth and trying to hold back my tears.

"Remmington look"

"no" I said "how can I look at you when all you did was betray me?"


"look ethan you lost my trust"

He got up and walked over to the door

"I'm sorry you feel that way"

"yeah me too" I said looking away from him.

next thing I heard was my door shut.
I let it all out after that. everything. my tears. the things that had defined my feeling for the past week since chastity had told me about ethan. I felt weak.

about an hour or two later



"can i come in"

"yeah" my voice cracked

"are you okay?" abby asked

"no" I said shaking my head as the tears rolled down my face

she hugged me

"what happened?"


"what about him?"

"last week I hung out with chastity and she told me she met up with a boy."


"it was ethan they kissed and had been meeting up" I said "He came by today and he didn't even seem to care that he hadn't spoke to me in 2 weeks"

"Remmington " She said "hun"

"what?" my voice was shaking

"how do you feel right now?"

"I feel...I feel....heartbroken" as soon as the words left my lips I lost it. I cried and let it all out every single thing.

"I HATE HIM!" I yelled.

Abby hugged me

"it will be okay I promise" She said

"why? why did he do this?"

"I don't know" abby replied.

I realized sometimes people don't think of others. and they make mistakes but you can't always forgive that mistake.

"I have to go now. will you be okay?"

"i'll be fine." I said rubbing my eyes as abby left.

I miss him

the words would not leave my mind

I miss him

heartbroken the one word I had hoped to never feel

but I knew better than to trust. it was my fault I ever thought anyone would be different.

depressed the only word that was even appropriate to define how I felt. how i was living.

a.n./// sorry this is kinda short

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