"Thanks for the wake up Harry." Zayn says sarcastically.

I smirk and say "No problem Z."

Y/N looks confused as she looks at everybody (except Niall and Y/F/N) who are glaring at me with death stares.

"What crawled up everybody's butt and died?" she asks.

Niall and Y/F/N snicker and they look at me wanting me to tell it since their about to die of laughter.

"Oh their just upset that I woke them up." I say.

"Yeah with air horns!" Zayn says.

Y/N looks confused and amused at the same time.

"I didn't hear anything." she says.

They look at her shocked while I smirk.

"HOW!? That thing was so LOUD!" Eleanor says.

"Oh that's because I put ear muffs on her so she wouldn't hear a thing." I say.

They all glare at me while Niall and Y/F/N look like their about to explode with laughter. Y/N looks at me.

"Awww really? You put ear muffs on me so you could wake me up nicely?" she coos.

"Yup!" I say.

"Awww thank you Hazza!"

"Your welcome sweetheart."

"Unbelievable." Zayn mutters.

"So unfair." Eleanor says.

"Lucky." Louis says.

"Damn you Styles." Perrie says.

"Next time I'm sleeping with ear muffs." Liam says.

"Revenge." Louis says again.

"He's in so much trouble." Danielle says.

"Oh hush up you lot! Go back to eating!" I say.

They roll their eyes and go back to eating.


Its now 2 PM and all the girls are out shopping while all five of us are watching football. (England football if anybody is confused or is from America like me.)

"What a load of bullshit! That was so not their fault! It was the other team's! Pay attention you cunts!" Niall yells.

"What happend?" I ask.

Niall and the other boys look at me in disbelief.

"You mean you didn't see that!?" Louis exclaims.

I shake my head. "Sorry was lost in thought." I say.

"Pay attention Harry!" Niall says.

"Okay okay! Geez..." I say.

We return our attention back to the TV and continue watching the game.

*3 hours later*

Its now 5 PM and its dark out and the girls still aren't home. I'm worried. Usually they call if their gonna be home after dark and they haven't.

"Harry calm down, I'm sure their fine." Liam says and put a hand on my shoulder to stop my pacing.

"How could you say that Li?! What if their in trouble and we don't know about it?! What if their being held hostage at the mall by a mad man?!" I shriek.

"Hazza. Calm down we trust them enough for them to take care of themselves and to get home as soon as possible." Louis says.

I sigh and say "I don't know Boo...I just have a feeling their in trouble."

"Oh that's just your worrying gettin to ya." he says.

"I don't know...I'm gonna drive to the mall and go look for them." I say.

"We'll come with ya mate." Zayn says.

I nod and we all put on our jackets and shoes and hop into the 1D Mobile since the other cars can't hold all five of us and we wanna get there in one car anyways.

I start the car and start driving to the mall.

*1 hour later*

"Okay were here!" I say.

"Lets go look for them." Liam says.

We head inside and go to their favorite stores and start looking.

We check every single store in here including the Food Court and there's no sign of them.

"Where could they be?" Louis asks.

"I'm sure their at home waiting for us because we might have missed them while searching." Liam says.

"Li, that's impossible! We've checked every store twice and still nothing." I say.

"Lets just go home and if they don't call in an hour then we can start search party." Liam suggests.

I sigh and say "Oh alright."

We leave the mall and go to the car and go home.

*1 hour later*

The girls still haven't come home and now its 8 PM. I'm worried so much! And it looks like the other boys are the same.

"That's it! Lets get our friends and go looking for them!" I say.

"Calm down Harry, I'll go call our friends and Paul and we can start." Liam says.

I sit down and Liam goes into the kitchen.




"Hello?" I say.

"Hi..is this..HazzaBear?" some dude says.

I look at my phone and see Y/N's phone number.

"Who are you and how did you get Y/N's phone!?" I exclaim.

Louis looks at me confused and gets the other boys.

"Whoa! Calm down dude! I'm just calling the first contact I saw that looked important." the dude says.

"Why are you calling me instead of her? And who are you?" I say.

"Oh! Sorry! Well I'm Matthew. I'm an ambulance driver. And I'm calling you instead of her cause your girlfriend I'm guessing and four other girls are unconscious because they were in a car accident." he explains.

I freeze and have huge eyes.

"Y-Your joking right?" I squeak.

"No, I'm sorry mate but your girlfriend-she is your girlfriend right?" Matthew asks.

"Yes. And those other girls are her best friends and my best friend's girlfriends." I say.

"Okay well their all in the ambulances and are on their way to the hospital." Matthew says.

"Which one?" I ask.

"London Hospital." he replies.

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem."

I hang up and look to the other boys who look confused and worried.

"Whats going on Harry?" Niall asks.

"The girls...their in the hospital." I say.

AN: CLIFFHANGER!! Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I had a good reason! My sister and I watched the 1DDay livestream!! XD BEST.SATURDAY.EVER!!!! Who watched the whole 8 hours?! My sis and I certinly did! Anyways till next time, goodbye my dolphins!

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