junior year pt. IV

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Of course when Zayn found out that Harry couldn't go to the movies the boy became upset, however, upon being told Liam was going to take him Zayn couldn't help but smile. Sure he was looking forward to hanging out with his best friend, but then again he was also really looking forward to the movie. In order to make the boy feel better about the situation, though, Louis reminded him how Harry wasn't all that into superheroes, and obviously that had the boy beaming because now he doesn't feel guilty that Harry will miss it. Seeing as Liam was already at the house, the older of the two decided that instead of just taking the boy out to the movies that he would make the event a full day thing.

"Zaynie, do you want help picking an outfit?" Louis asks just before the boy can rush upstairs.

"Yeah, Boo! Come on!" Zayn says in an excited manner as he grabs ahold of his brother's hand and begins to drag him up the stairs along with him.

Deciding to allow the boy to surprise him with his outfit Liam decides to stay downstairs where he sends a quick text to his mum that he was gonna be home a bit later than expected. Just as he manages to press send, though, Jay walks back into the room and gives Liam a kind smile.

"Thank you...again," Jay says softly as she brings a cup of tea over to Liam.

"It's not a big deal Mrs. Tomlin- I mean Jay," Liam says before switching names when the woman gives him a look.

"But it is, Liam. You've always been so kind to Zayn, ever since you boys were young you always helped Louis and Harry watch out for him even when he wouldn't talk to you," Jay says with a chuckle which causes Liam to smile at the memory.

For some reason as the boys grew up getting Zayn to talk to Liam was always so difficult. No matter how often the boy would spend the night, or how hard Harry and Louis would try to persuade him, the boy wouldn't mutter a word to the curly headed boy. As time went on, though, Liam began to notice Zayn's obsession with superheroes, and one thing led to another before finally Zayn began to talk to Liam with ease.

"We go way back with superheroes, Mrs. T. I honestly feel that I should be offended if Zayn were to see a superhero movie without me," Liam jokes which causes Jay to laugh again.

"You're a good boy, Liam. Thank you for sticking by my idiot of son's side all these years."

And as Liam let's out a laugh, Jay leaves a motherly kiss to the top of the boy's head before going back over to her office. Just before Jay can leave the room, though, Zayn appears at the bottom of the stairs in something neither Liam nor Jay was expecting.

"Mum! Louis let me borrow his clothes!" Zayn squeals as he shows off his different than usual outfit.

The boy was decked out in some faded black skinny jeans and a skin tight, black, quarter sleeve shirt. His hair was quiffed up, and overall everything looked totally badass about him...except the goofy smile he was showing off which caused Jay to coo.

"You look so handsome, baby. Do you like that outfit?" Jay asks as she walks forward to adjust the collar of his shirt just a bit.

"Yeah, mum, I look Boo now," Zayn says with a smile which causes his mother to coo all over again.

"So what are you and Liam going to do tonight?" Jay asks the boy, however, in turn Zayn just shrugs as he looks over to Liam with an expecting look.

"I was thinking going to get a quick bite to eat, then we'll head over to the movies, and since we're seeing a rather early film maybe get some ice cream before heading back here," Liam replies.

"Is that your go to first date plan?" Louis jokes which causes Jay to lightly smack him on the back of the head.

"I think it sounds like a great plan," Jay says with a smile. "But Liam at the theater don't let him get S-O-D-A."

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