Chapter 1 - My Love

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Chapter 1

A two-hour long drive was tiring enough. It even made 'standing up' difficult for me to get done. Luckily, I shifted off of my seat and got out of the train with my luggage in my right hand and a classical guitar in the other. I started to walk just to get this over with. I wanted to arrive at the music seminar training grounds so I could get a little rest before anything exciting happened.

First of all, let me introduce to you myself. My name's Olivia Rain Green. Nobody was allowed to call me 'Olivia', calling me 'Rain' was enough. I was also seventeen years old and I was currently studying classical music at this prestigious university that only accepted people who mastered a particular instrument. I planned to be accepted at a famous music industry once I graduated, which was about a year away.

This seminar was not just all about music. I thought it involved activities that were out of the musical picture. I figured out that my parents purposely sent me here so I could learn how to interact and communicate with others. I was not that good in speaking to others and I was very awful in making eye contacts. That was if it was in any case that I was talking to someone. Even though I was not living in my hometown anymore because it was a little far away from our university, they still got updated of what was happening to me. That was because I informed them. I couldn't seem to lie to them without any of them noticing. I decided to play along. They paid a high amount of money too. I didn't want it to go to waste.

I gasped as I came to the Music Seminar Training Grounds, or as they would like to call it MSTG. How'd I know how they wanted to call it was because the letters were scribbled enormously at the top of the building. The MSTG was not all about classical music as much as I knew. It could be whatever genre you wanted, which was pretty cool. I couldn't believe that we were going to be training in a building. I gathered my footsteps until I opened the door that led to the inside of the building.

The inside was so much better than the outside. It didn't look like a building at all, some sort of a fancy restaurant, maybe? I went to the counter and asked for my keys. They decided to give me what I was looking for when they managed to find my name in their list. I didn't waste any time to go to my room. The door was beige with a royal gold handle whilst the room was the color of blood and gold. Gold carpets, red bed, everything was gold and red. I went to the left side of the room and opened the door. It was the bathroom that was elegantly tiled with light red tiles. Just picture a room with different shades of red and gold... so, now you could get the picture.

A printed note was left on the top of my bed. I reached out for it and scanned the words. 'Please gather inside the auditorium located at the third floor of the building. Please be there at 10:00 a.m.' Shifting my eyes to the wall clock at the top of the door, I decided to take a little nap before going to the auditorium. I still had two hours before the program started after all.


I overslept and was late for the ceremony. My tired body somehow consumed the time of getting ready for the program. I was running on the staircase and managed not to miss a step. We were required to go the ceremony, which I pretty missed an hour ago. I found the auditorium and slowly slipped inside the room, careful not to alarm anybody who had their ears to the man who was standing in the middle of the stage.

"And now, the MSTG is going to welcome some new famous musicians," said the man. I spotted an empty seat at the front row and started taking baby steps towards it. I sat and immediately tried to make myself invisible so the guy beside me wouldn't notice me. I needed not to look at him to see his face. Eye contact was not in my field after all. "Here they are, Westlife, everybody, give them a round of applause!"

What he got was more than applause. There was a loud cheering from the crowd as five guys suddenly became visible at the back of the man who was speaking not a little too while ago. The back was dark and all of the audience squealed when the spotlight lighted the five guys.

I knew of Westlife, but I was not a fan of them as any of the audience around here. I remained silent and just stared at them. They were all wearing the same outfit, white t-shirt, black pants and shiny and well-polished black shoes. The man introduced them one by one, two were brunettes and three were blondes. The first brunette was named Shane Filan, the second one was named Mark Feehily. For the blondes, the first one was named Bryan McFadden. Nicky Byrne and Kian Egan were the second and third. I couldn't seem to make out their features because of the light.

"Their manager let these guys join us for three months," the man explained, "They'll now be joining us with the trainings and activities," I didn't know how the crowd managed to cheer louder. It was currently making my eardrums explode.

The man gave the microphone to Shane Filan and the brunette accepted. He brought it to his mouth and muttered a few words, "Hope you treat us well," the girl at the back was screaming her heart out. How she managed to let that kind of scream out from her mouth surprised me.

Bryan grabbed the microphone out of Shane's hand and muttered a few words of his own, "And I hope we can all get along," then he winked. I scowled. He was using his pretty looks to get some ladies? What did you expect, Rain? He was a celebrity. He could do whatever he wanted. The founder then explained that the band was going to be living in a different building, a little walk from here but probably at the back of this building. I forgot to mention to you that the back of this building was a grass land. The warehouse was all theirs. Great. Another thing about celebrities, they always got special treatments.

One by one, the five guys went to the audience. Before I realized what that was for, they started to shake hands with each person. They even gave the girls permission to kiss them. That was just...gross. Shane Filan was already at the guy beside me, and I was next. When he finished shaking hands with the guy, he lifted his hand in front of me whilst I just stared at it.

I was bad at these things. I was a little honest and if I say I didn't like someone...that was my final word. And if I say I didn't like Westlife, I meant it. Instead of taking his hand, I stood up bumping my shoulders into his hand. The room went silent as the Westlife members' jaws dropped open.

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