Chapter Two

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Allen was nervous.

With both Bookman amongst them, he only knew it was a matter of time before they'd be found by one of the other sides. The reunions with either wasn't something to look forward to.

"Besides the possibly suicidal plan, how have you been?" Lavi asked as they walked. His one visible eye looking at the younger teen. "It's been a very long time since we were able to have a regular conversation, you know."

"Ah, you're right."

Lavi and Bookman were the only Exorcists from his time at the Black Order that Allen couldn't bring himself to hate. Mostly for the fact that they were merely there to study and that they aren't allowed to pick sides, or make friends. Despite this, he deemed Lavi one of his closest friends besides Kanda, who he unwillingly missed but hoped everything was fine for him in Mater. But that was a rollercoaster to remember another time.

"I've been a mess, if I'm going to be honest here." A sigh left the albino as they turned the corner to head back down stairs. "Having both Innocence and a Noah is something I really don't recommend. They're not at war with each other, but it's still a struggle. Especially when he wants to play..."

Wisely placed a hand on Allen's shoulder as soon as he trailed off and gently squeezed.

The Noah remained silent for a few moments before Tyki ruffled the Brit's hair. Grateful for the distraction, the youth flashed Pleasure a small smile. "Other than that, it's been a huge mental struggle. While Neah isn't trying to take over himself, the Memories are trying their hardest to surface."

"So really, we're on a bit of a time schedule for your ridiculous plan." The redhead concluded thoughtfully, arms crossed across his chest as he spoke.

"Sort of," Allen chuckled quietly before continuing. "It'd be more of a schedule if I knew when they'd resurface."

After falling into a comfortable silence, the group finally made it to the crowded and noisy dining hall. The Exorcists and Noah from when the trio had first arrived were sitting around an incredibly long table, eating from a giant array of food. While nothing like Jerry's (the one thing Allen missed from the Order), it was still delicious.

"I had gotten the idea from my time with the Earl," said Allen as he looked at Lavi and Bookman. "We'd always eat meals together and since the other Noah are accustomed to it, I thought it'd be easier to have the newcomers adjust than them. However, unlike dinners there, we have volunteers and human supporters cooking for us."

Lavi was taken back by how grand they all seemed to be living, much more so than the Order in terms of color, and how happy the two sides can be in each others company. But he was certain that it took a lot of getting used to on the Noah's part; going from destroying Innocence to working - and living - alongside it must be difficult.

Hunger winning over, the group found seats (mostly Lavi and Bookman as the others had 'assigned' seating arrangements). Allen sat at the head of the table with Tyki at his right and Road at his left. Wisely was seated next to Tyki, Sheryl across from him and next to his daughter. The twins were a few seats over as they mingled with the Exorcists the most. (It was really them having food fights together but after the last incident, they kept them away from Allen.)

New faces filled the rest of the spots with the exception of the two veterans, who were seated at the opposite end of the table on the right side.

"Dig in!" Allen cheered before grabbing some food himself, the others following shortly after.

It wasn't long before Jasdero started the first food fight and soon one end was pure chaos as they all flung food at each other childishly. All-in-all, it was a happy scene...until Allen was hit square in the face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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