
I fell into him crying my heart out as he held me close to him.

  "Don't cry Regan. It's only until graduation remember?" He said trying to keep himself from falling apart.

His deep voice nearly broken as he too tried to fight back his tears. He never let me go as I cried in his arms.

  "Let's go to your house. Me and you. We won't do the usually party but you should say goodbye to the others since they're all downstairs. Don't cry though everything will be alright. I'm still gonna love you. You will still have my heart for as long as I'm alive."

He let me go and gave me a kiss on my forehead and wiped my tears from my face.

  "Come on let's get outta here." Prince said taking my hand and yanking me from the bed.

The jolt from his strong pull almost made me fall on my face as he pulled me to the door and swung it open in excitement.

  "Nelson slow down! You're going to fast!" I shouted as he pulled me down the hall.

  "Come on mouse keep up!" He shouted back as he made it to the top of the steps and waited.

  "What's eaten you dude?" I asked him as I made it over to him out of breath.

  "You'll see! Come on!"

Prince raced down the steps and across the lobby to the soundstage door. He pushed the door opens and ran inside to the dark room.

  "Nelson what are you doing?" I called to him as I ran to the door just before it closed.

I pushed the door open and ran inside. It was crazy dark. The kind of darkness that would freak you out when you just finding watching a horror film.

  "Prince?" I called.

There was no answer.

  "Skipper where are you?"

No answer.

  "Look nerd this isn't cool where are you?"

Next thing I knew the lights flipped on.


Everyone shouted and cheered. Everyone I knew was there Dez and the guys, Mr. John, Cat, my mom and René. They all got together with Prince and threw me a huge off to college party. I was nearly bawling tears of happiness.

  "Skipper you did this for me?" I asked him as he came up and hugged me.

  "After all the shit we've been through you deserved it." He whispered.

  "Come here girl! Come cut into this chocolate goodness!" Morris shouted as he eyed the cake my mom made.

I ran up to my mom and hugged her.

  "Thanks Ma! I thought you were gonna keep me here with you? What made you change your mind?" I asked her.

  "Well this young lady over here did. She told me what happened and how she got that nasty wound on her side. So I patched her up and she convinced me that Marcus was never going to bother you again so I told her that I would let you graduate from UCLA. It wasn't an easy decision but she was very persistent."

My mom pulled René next to her by the hand.

  "You did that for me?" I asked René as she smiled at me.

  "You did a lot for me so I thought I'd return the favor." She said.

René gave me a hug and squeezed me tightly.

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