Chapter 1 - The New Teacher

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Chapter 1


I sat in bed, sweat and tears streaming down my face. I’d been having a nightmare again. I had been having the same nightmare every night for about three months, but lately the dream had started feel more life- like. I feel like I’m going crazy.

I looked over to my alarm clock by my bed. It was 7:15am. I still had 15 minutes before I had to get up. But I was drenched in sweat so I decided to get up early and have a shower. I leaped out of bed and went to my bathroom. The cold water running over my body felt refreshing and washed away last night’s dream.

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I had an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach, as if something strange was going to happen. I wasn’t sure if it was good or bad but I knew it was going to happen.

I took longer than usual to get ready because I kept thinking about the nightmare. My car had broken down a few weeks ago so I had to walk to school which didn’t help the fact that I was already late. I ran half the way their but I still was fifteen minutes late.

I ran to my locker, where I found Mike my best friend, leaning against them, waiting. When he saw her he smiled. “Finally! What the hell took you so long!?!” “Sorry I got caught up.” “Well, hurry up! Miss. Bryans is pissed. I covered for you girl but she is real angry.” I smiled and speed walked down the corridor with him.

“So, anything exciting happen in the fifteen minutes that I wasn’t here?” “Not really, just the amazing revelation that there is a new teacher!” Mike did not look happy. He found it hard to get along with teaches because he very rarely agreed with them. “Ha! You have got to be kidding!? Surely they already have enough prison wardens? I mean we’re not that bad!” “Well obviously they needed an extra. I wouldn’t worry about him yet, we don’t have him for class until tomorrow, for Maths. Grace does though.”

Grace is my best friend, other than Mike and like him, I have known her since Kindergarten and we have been friends all the way up to now, our Senior Year.

“Well, we will see what she says about him then.” Mike smirked, “Yeah, like she is going to notice! She’ll be too busy texting." Mike nodded "Now come on! Otherwise we are going to be even later.” He grabbed my arm and dragged me all the way to the secretary’s office. We took our late passes quickly and ran to class. Miss. Bryans was already mad we didn’t need to make it worse.

Miss. Bryans hated people being late and Mike stumbling through the door with me close behind certainly didn’t improve things. I looked up to see Miss. Bryans staring daggers at us with a face as red as a tomato. I think if she had been a cartoon there would smoke coming out of her ears at this point. We apologized for being late and went to our seats. She turned back to the board and I leaned over to Mike. “I don’t think she has had her morning coffee yet, she a little wound up.” Mike smiled and laughed silently. We may make jokes about her but face to face she is terrifying.

After that little hiccup, the rest of the morning passed quickly and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. Mike, Grace and I sat at our usual table. Mike had been completely wrong about Grace. She had definitely noticed the new teacher. She was talking non-stop about the guy. “He is really tall and has muscles to die for! He has dark black hair that is messy and tousled as if he has just got out of bed and really bright green eyes. He has perfect teeth and his smile makes you melt inside. He is so sexy.” Grace had a distant look in her eyes and a goofy smile on her face.

Grace is the exact opposite of me. She has mid-length, straight, blonde hair instead of my long, chestnut brown, wavy hair. My grey/blue eyes are nothing compared to her dark, brown ones. Her face is a perfect heart shape with a cute button nose. She is head of the cheer leading squad and has a perfect figure. She is intent on being a movie star, personally I totally think she can do it but I prefer to be in the quieter side of things. I want to be a journalist and then hopefully an author. She has everything I wish I could have and more.

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