"I won't ever leave your side Sharon." Swayam assured her.

"I read somewhere that you shouldn't make promises when emotional." Sharon said.

Swayam pulled back enough to face Sharon again and stared at her. He brought his hand up to her face and gently stoked it.

"This isn't a promise Sharon, it's a fact. I would be the biggest moron to let go of the most precious thing in my life. I've wasted enough time thinking I wasn't good enough for you and all those doubts. I'm never letting go." Swayam said.

"Ok this is too much emotional talk for me." Sharon said and they both laughed.

"Now you ruined a perfectly good romantic moment." Swayam said.

"I learned that from somebody I know." Sharon said and winked.

"Alright. Now shall we head back?" Swayam said.

"As you wish my lovely boyfriend." Sharon said.

They both drove back to Sharon's place lucky enough not to find traffic again. They plopped down on the couch as soon as they reached her flat as the exhaustion of walking for so long finally caught up to them. Sharon then suddenly got up and grabbed a bunch of keys.

"My neighbours just left me in charge of the keys of the terrace. So, want to see the Mumbai buildings from above." She said.

Swayam just nodded his head. Opening the terrace door brought a gust of fresh breeze onto their faces. They admired the view from top and started reminiscing about the day along with other memories that they went on remembering. It soon turned dark and looking at the stars Sharon remembered something she always wished to do. She lay down on the ground pulling Swayam with her. Swayam was hesitant at first but then quietly lay down beside her.

"I always wanted to do this with someone but no one agreed on it. Ankita was ready once but then she complained about the mosquitoes and ran inside again. I mean who would want to miss this. It's so amazing; the stars twinkling and the slight breeze. I especially love finding constellations. Can you see that one there?" Sharon said and pointed out in the sky.

"That's the Orion and then that's another one but I keep forgetting its name." She said and continued again.

"Have you ever wondered how small we are compared to all of these stars? We are such a small part of a huge galaxy." Sharon said and turned towards Swayam who was looking back at her listening intently to her.

"What? Why are looking at me like that? Is this all weird? Am I rambling again?" Sharon said.

"No it isn't weird." Swayam said and chuckled. "Actually I was admiring how you're passionate about so many things."

"Isn't it necessary for all of us to be passionate about things, big or small? Passion drives us to do things and without it we would be so boring." Sharon said.

"I agree. I love that you're so passionate about dance, your job, star gazing and many more things and I am quite the opposite." Swayam said.

"Rubbish. You Swayam have passion for a lot of things, you just don't notice it. You're so passionate about the theatre and most of all you love your family and it is the thing that you are the most passionate about. So don't ever say you are not a passionate person." Sharon said.

Sharon had left him speechless. Swayam always liked himself to have the last say in any conversation but Sharon kept leaving him with no words to express. He just brushed his hands on her cheeks and whispered, "I... I truly have no words. I love you Sharon."

"I love you too Swayam." She replied and they looked into each other's eyes under the blanket of stars.

"You know what would be a cheesy thing to do?" Sharon asked after couple of moments.

"No." Swayam said.

"Slow dancing under the stars." She said and quickly got up.

"Seriously? I'm not that good of a dancer as you are." Swayam said.

"C'mon, don't be a baby. Get up quickly and it isn't that hard." Sharon said.

Swayam reluctantly stood up and Sharon quickly grabbed his hands and put them on her waist. She played a soft tune on her mobile and rested her arms on his shoulders. They slowly began swaying to the music.

"Why are you blushing? I haven't said anything." Swayam said when he saw Sharon's cheeks flame up.

"I was just thinking about something I remembered which I'll tell you if you promise not to laugh or anything like that." Sharon said.

"I'd never do that." Swayam said and Sharon just raised her eyebrows in response.

"Okay, fine." Swayam finally subjected to her stare.

"This morning I just dreamed you know us dancing like this and its happening." Sharon said.

"So you've started dreaming about me too." Swayam teased her.

"See you're doing it." Sharon said and pouted.

"If it helps you've visited my dreams too sometimes." Swayam said.

"That helps." Sharon said and rested her head on his shoulder and they continued to sway to the sound.

"This is nice." Swayam said.

"It is." She agreed and closed her eyes enjoying the moment.


I know this is super late :( I'm sorry. That's all I can say.

I guess the updates will be a little slower because college :/

Hope you like the chapter.

Thank you for reading and all your votes.

SwaRon SS You Me and DreamsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora