Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My eyes flutter open; it is eerily quiet in my house on this Saturday morning. I pad down the stairs and into the kitchen to find a note from my brother. It says that he went for a bike ride and that Mom went to work. Of course, she couldn’t even be here to help me pack. After getting some toast and spreading some jelly onto it, I walk into our posh living room. It is always so neat and clean but today there is a huge stack of boxes left out for me. At least she had the courtesy to leave me some boxes, even though she won’t be able to help at all. Then I realize even if she did help me with it we would probably end up getting in a huge fight. So it might be for the best that she isn’t here to help.

I carry the boxes upstairs and set them in my room. I look around my room and etch the image into my mind because in a few ours my childhood room will be almost gone. Nostalgia hits me and I feel a tear fall down my face as memories flood my mind. I see me and my father painting my room periwinkle, me and my brother playing with Barbies and action figures, and my mother reading me stories when I was sick. Sometimes I wish I was a kid again, everything was so much easier.

I start to take my posters down off of the wall, I start with my Ed Sheeran ones and roll them up neatly and put them in a long, thin box. Then I take down my Perks of Being a Wallflower poster and put it in the box. I tape it shut and move it into the hall. One box down, about 30 more to go. I decide to put on some music to make me work better. I put on Vessel by Twenty One Pilots and get to work

** ** **

After I listen to 3 albums I am finally finished packing everything that I am not going to need for the next week. My room looks so empty, all that is left is my pink walls, my white bed, my nightstand, and my two dressers. It is sad to see it this empty but I know that the change is good.

My family still isn’t home so I go downstairs and pace around the kitchen for a minute because I hav nothing else to do. So I decide to check the mail to see if there is a letter from UCLA. I walk through our small entrance and out the front door. As I am walking to the mailbox I wave to my neighbor. I grab the mail and quickly walk back into the house.

I get into the kitchen and search through the mail, tossing down anything that isn’t from UCLA. Then I see it, the UCLA logo nice and big on the corner of the envelope. I stare at it for a couple of minutes before getting the courage to open it. I set it down and pace for a bit, then I finally do it, I read the first paragraph.

*Dear Charlotte Malcom,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to The University of California, Los Angeles. Your classes will start immediately after you graduate, we look forward to seeing you in August. *

 I made it, I actually made it to the college of my dream. After re-reading the paragraph at least 20 times to make sure I’m not hallucinating, I text Jamie to tell her the good news. She is the first person I want to know about this amazing news. I immediately get a excited congratulations text back.

*OMF Congratulations! You got into ULCA! Im gonna miss you :( Nobody will be here to give me waffles*

I am so excited that I run up to my room and grab my laptop off the bed and start buying UCLA hoodies and T-shirts and sweatpants. I can’t wait, my life is about to get interesting.

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