He lay down in the middle of the roof and closed his eyes for a good and long sleep so he would be ready to save Rukia tommorrow and then leave this place.

Tomorrow after a sleep


He woke up with a scream of his own looking left and right to pinpoint the way the sound came from.

(Y/n) : jezus chris what the hell was that ?

He turned inviseble and runned the way the sound came from running over roofs and finaly reached his destination finding a girl staring in shock at something.

(Y/n) thought : what the hell is she see.

He didn't found the reason of her screaming all what he saw was just a wall if they saw something he didn't

Gin appeared said something and the next he knows that the same girl that screamed trying to kill him but was stopped by Gin lieutenant.

They fought against each other and released their Zanpakutō's and just wanted to clash blade when a other captain the one with the white hair named : Toshiro jumped between them holding one foot on the girls sword and used his sword to block the one of the male.

Next thing they know they are captured and both send prison and once everybody was gone Toshiro and Gin talked to each other where Toshiro revealed that he didn't trust him and warned that if he hurted momo he was in for some trouble.

(Y/n) thought : grandfather never said this place was so.... Exciting.

He shook his head and walked away not looking forward on seeing the body being brought down.

He looked at the sky not sure where he just got himself in too and it just became weirder and weirder the longer he stayed.

A talking cat, a giant, soifon and now a captain murdered at there own place and they immediately starts to fight among themselfs.

(Y/n) thought : i now i went with them on my own free wil but can't something good happen to me please god

His hole body tensed when he felt a familair spiritual presence together with Ganju and a other he doesn't recognize and he felt them coming this way together.

(Y/n) smiled and sprinted the way to the front and the stairs to meet up with them happy to see them again after all he went through.

It did't take him long to go there when he felt Ichigo spirit to guide him and with all the soul reapers away so he just could run and stand where ever he wanted. He reached the stairs in no time but sadly Ichigo was still had a long way to go.

He didn't spot anybody so he sat infront of the stairs with crossed legs and waited patient for Ichigo to arrive and they could save Rukia the others and go away from this place.

Ontop of the building stood two pair of eyes just like him waiting for

Kenpachi : i said that you won't get in my way from having fun.
??? : im not gonna, you can have the strongest and i take the others.
Kenpachi : fine but don't get in my way.

It took him 20 minutes but ichigo finaly reached the end of the stairs finding his best friend simply sitting there wearing a smirk that said 'beat you'

Bleach : hollows on the loose (yoruichi x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now