⭐️Chapter 10: Zancrow pt. 2⭐️

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"Ren?" Natsu? I landed on Natsu!! Not again!! I quickly got up. "Man that Zancrow guy is hard core." I said trying to change the subject. "Yeah he is." Natsu said looking away. I sniffed the air, I know that smell. "do you smell that?" I asked. "Yeah! Let's go check it out!" Natsu and I ran through the forest following the scent. We came to an open area. In the middle was a man on the ground. It was....

Back to the story

"GRAMPS!?" I yelled running over to him as Natsu followed. I looked at him, "Ren.... Natsu...." Gramps said weakly. "How did you get so beat!?" I asked worriedly. "Who did this to ya! I'll burn them to a crisp!" Natsu yelled. "Natsu.... The chance of us beating Grimore Heart. Are none." Gramps said. I gave him a look of surprise. "The gramps I know would never say that!" Natsu yelled. "My children... You're hurt who did this to you?" He asked. "A weird guy, called Zancrow." I replied. "My children I beg you... Get the guild out of here." He whispered. "We can't leave you! I won't!" I yelled and stomped on the ground leaving a dent. A black fire ball came down and hit the ground a couple meters away. "HAHAH well well well, look who we have here. Looks like Master Hades did a number on you eh Markarov?" Zancrow laughed. "He's the one hat did this to you!?" Natsu said. "Go my children, remember what I just told you." Gramps said. I tightened my fist, "I ain't backin down." I stood my ground. "This feeling... This is fear..." Natsu said shaking. "HAHAH!! I can't say I blame ya, a runt like you would be trembling in fear." He spat at Natsu. Natsu and I both began covering our selves in our elements. Magic power increasing massively. "We'll defeat Hades ourselves!" We shouted in unison. "Natsu you first!" I shouted. "On it!" Natsu replied. "You think you can take down Master Hades? HAHA there ain't no way in hell that's gonna happen." Zancrow grinned creepily. "If you can't even beat me you punk!" Zancrow shouted at Natsu. Natsu hit him in the head then and did an upper cut to the jaw. Natsu jumped up into the trees moving at the speed of lightning. And tried punching Zancrow, but he punched Natsu instead sending him flying back into a tree. "My turn!" I jumped in. Water everywhere, Zancrow made a sword out of flames and swung at me with it, but I countered the attack with, "WATER DRAGON BARRIER!" I created a force field, that stopped his attack. Natsu jumped over me, and tried to punch the Zancrow in the face. But he used his fire to punch Natsu in the stomach sending him flying into the sky. He sent a fire spell into the sky towards Natsu, but I jumped up and got myself trapped in it. It closed up, and I was stuck. "REN!!" Natsu yelled, trying to eat the fire. "Natsu don't!!!!!" I screamed, but he did it anyway. Natsu ate a bit but then started choking. The flames started to get hotter it was like I was being strangled. "AHH!!!" I screamed out in pain. A massive hand grabbed Zancrow. "GRAMPS!" I yelled. "How dare you!!! Heartless beast don't you dare hurt one of my children right before my eyes, STOP OR ILL CRUSH YOU LIKE AN INSECT!" Gramps yelled at Zancrow, as he struggled to get out of Gramps' grip. "How can you be sure you've got enough strength old man!" Zancrow laughed, adding more pain to me. "This little girls going to suffocate!" Zancrow teased. Gramps struggled to keep a grip of Zancrow. His arm began to twist, "please just let go of him Gramps, you'll die!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. "If that's what it takes..." Gramps whispered. "Im begging you let go!!" I screamed crying. "I will defeat you! Because you don't know the power of family!" Gramps yelled. "GRRAHHH!!!" I screamed, trying to use up all my magic. "GRRRRWAHH!!!!!!" I continued, covering myself in water, but it then faded and I was back in the black ball. But I depleted all my magic. "HAHA! Looks like the water dragon hunters the first one to go!" Zancrow laughed. "Ren... No..." Natsu managed to say, while still choking on the fire. I grabbed Natsu and pulled him in the black fire with me. "REN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Gramps yelled. "Natsu use all your energy! Then eat the flames!" I said to Natsu, he started screaming and used all his magic. Because fire was starting to appear around him I had it use a water shield. Natsu then ate all the black flames, I stood on Natsu's shoulders. As soon as all the fire was gone I jumped heading straight for Zancrow. Pulling him out of Gramps' hands and throwing him into the air. "GOD FLAMES AND DRAGON FLAMES!!! PUT THEM TOGETHER AND YOU GET DRAGON GOD BRILLIANT FLAMES!!!!!" Natsu screamed, using both flames to hit Zancrow. Successfully defeating him. Gramps had his mouth wide open. "They've groan so much.... Both into amazing wizards!" He said, while Natsu and I high fived grinning. Natsu held his hand up, "we won't give up without a fight, right Gramps?" Natsu said as he fell to the floor. "Natsu...." Gramps whispered. I fell face first just next to Natsu. "Ren....." Gramps whispered.

***couple of hours later***

I slowly opened my eyes, I saw Wendy. "H-hey... Wendy..." I whispered. "Ren! You're awake!" Wendy hugged me and I smiled. I saw Natsu standing up and looking around. Then he just ran away. "Where are you going!?" I shouted. "He's looking for someone he met on Galuna island." Carla informed, I nodded in understanding remembering the story they told me about that island. I heard Natsu say a name earlier, Jellal was it? "Can I ask a question? Who is Jellal?" I asked everyone. "Jellal, is someone who we met at the tower of heaven." Wendy told me. That makes sense, where do I know that name? Jellal...

1044 words

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