Chapter 15

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.  It was kind of fun to write.

Please remember to comment so that I know what you think.


“Wake up birthday girl,” my Mom sang happily as she rubbed my back to wake me.  I groaned and rolled away from her.  “Savannah, I made your favorite breakfast and I think Johnny is waiting on you at the pier.”

I shot straight up in the bed.  I immediately realized my mistake and tried to cover, “Breakfast!  What did you make?”  I doubt she bought that.

“Toast,” she smiled slyly, “now hurry up so you can go fishing with Johnny.”  She turned and walked out of my room closing the door behind her.

I looked around and saw that Georgia was still asleep.  I tried to be quiet so that she could rest.  I knew that she had been extra tired lately.  The baby must be taking a lot out of her.

When I was done getting ready for my day I danced into the kitchen with the promise of dry toast and a quick retreat to the pier.  What I got was pancakes, bacon, eggs, and milk.  On top of that, I got conversations with everyone lasting at least an hour.  Even Georgia got up to join the torture.

Meals and plans for the day were discussed.  Chris had met some girl last time we were here and he was going to try to find her.  Mom didn’t seem bothered by this.  I took this to mean she was the girl and they were spending the day together.  Whatever.  Georgia said that she and Russ were going to go fishing for a while and then take a walk.  They assured my mom that they would be back for my birthday dinner.  Dad said he was going fishing with Johnny and his dad.  This made the smile drop from my face.  Mom said she was going shopping and then making my birthday cake.  After everyone was done talking about what they were going to do today I got up to leave.

Georgia pulled me into our room with a swift tug.  “I thought Johnny would be spending the day with you.  You made it sound that way.”

“No, I only said he was going to kiss me.  I have no idea if he really likes me or if he just said that.  Georgia, I am so confused.”  My voice began to shake and I could feel tears in my eyes.  I looked at her like she had all the answers.

“Oh baby,” she said as she held my head against her chest, “you’ll figure it out.  I wish I could tell you that boys and love are easy, but they’re not.  It’s hard and I know you’ll get your heart broken…more than once.”  Her face held the pain of the truth she was speaking, but her voice was light.  I could tell that she wanted to teach me this lesson as painless as possible.

She held my head for a few more minutes, then she held me back.  She looked me straight in the eyes and said, “just go out to the pier and meet Johnny now.  I’ll keep Dad busy for a little while.  If he kisses you, great.  If he doesn’t, don’t get upset.  Take it for what it is and don’t make too much out of it.  Don’t put your heart in it and it won’t get broken.”

I nodded my head and Georgia walked out.  I made sure my face was dry and snuck out the back door.  As I was making my way down to the pier I reflected on what Georgia had said about love.  It was sad.  I know that Bobby broke her heart, but Russ had treated her so well.  And now they were going to have a baby.

This was just too much for me to wrap my thoughts around.  I didn’t even know I had reached the pier until I stepped onto it and felt the sway of the water underneath the planks.  I looked around, but Johnny was nowhere to be seen.  My heart fell.  Yeah, I guess this is why Georgia had said to take it for what it is.

I sat at the end of the pier trying not to feel sorry for myself.  I heard footsteps and felt the sway of the pier.  I braced myself for Georgia to try to make me feel better.

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