Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with Georgia pulling at my covers telling me to get up.

“Just a few minutes more,” I whined as the covers left my body completely.

Georgia whispered in my ear, “You need to get up quietly.  I still have the guys in my car and I’m trying not to wake Cara.  She would lose it if she saw that they were still with me.”

I didn’t want her to get into trouble so I rolled out of bed without another word.  I went to the bathroom as quietly as I could and then combed my hair a little.  I didn’t need to change clothes because I had never undressed the night before.

I walked out of the bathroom with my eyes half closed and Georgia led me out of the house closing the door silently behind us.  She rushed me to the car and opened the door for me.  I peeked in and saw Chris and Russ still in the same clothes as the night before.  I looked back at Georgia with a questioning look.  She just smirked and pushed me into the back seat with the two sleeping boys.  I settled into the middle without a word.  Georgia got into the car and pulled away from the house with a confident sigh.  She had gotten away with it.

Georgia drove us to Bobby’s house where we all piled out of the car.  Bobby slammed the car door after we were all out and Georgia shushed him. 

“What time is it and why are we being so quiet” I asked with sincerity. 

“It’s six am and that’s why we are being so quiet.”  That was the answer I got from Georgia with a finger to her lips.

We all shuffled our way over to the out building in Bobby’s yard.  I was used to the routine by now.  Georgia often brought me out with her just to keep me away from home.

Bobby opened the pad lock on the door with his key and slid one side of the double doors open just wide enough for us to fit through.  We all walked into the building single-file.  Then Bobby slid the door closed with a click.

The building was small, but mostly clean.  It had two couches on the connecting walls.  There was a small table in between.  A lay-Z-boy from an era long past was sitting across the room facing the couches.  Bobby had a huge drum set in the front of the room that he played all the time with bar type stools scattered around.  There were two windows on each wall except the front wall.  It only had the double doors.  The windows were covered in curtains that had faded designs with indistinguishable colors.  They were so faded and worn that they let a lot of light into the room, if the sun had been up.

Bobby sat on the end of one couch and motioned for Georgia to lay her head down in his lap.

“You have been up all night driving; you need to sleep for a bit.”  He sounded so loving toward my sister.  I thought to myself that I was happy that she had found someone who would treat her well and take care of her.  Georgia Yawned and gave into Bobby’s deep voice laying her head down on his lap.

With that done, I wondered over to the drum set just to get away from the guys.  I didn’t get too close because we didn’t want to wake Bobby’s grandmother with noise from the building.  I was standing with my back to everyone looking out one of the windows at Georgia’s stupid car.  I didn’t want to deal with my dream right now.  I was still so sleepy.  I let out a big yawn and turned to see Chris raising the foot of the Lay-Z-boy while throwing a blanket over his shoulders.

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