New Mates! The Four Zombie Slayers!

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New Mates! The Four Zombie Slayers!

The three siblings stared at the strange man as he proceeded to walk toward them. The other three men slowly stood up as Andres stood in front of his sisters. The first man they saw circled around them like a vulture.

"Vhat interesting clothing." He said as Abreann gave herself a facepalm. Andres busted out laughing as the four men continued to stare at them.

"Vhy are you laughing?" The first man asked as Andres looked at him.

"Because he fucking can!" Angela said sarcastically as he glared in her direction.

"Angela! Shut the fuck up!" Abreann said as she punched her younger sister in her arm.

"Well! You ask a stupid question, you get a stupid fucking answer!"

"He just asked why Andres was laughing! You don't have to act like a fucking bitch around them!"

"You expect me to NOT act like a bitch around four fucking strangers!? We don't even know if they'll kill us or not!"

Andres shoved his sisters' heads together. "Both of you shut the fuck up! You're giving me a fucking headache!"

Angela rolled her eyes and walked away from the six. She sat by herself in a corner and tried her hardest to stay quiet and away from them. Andres and Abreann faced the four men and began socializing.

"Hello, boys." Abreann said as she shook all of their hands.

"S'up." Andres said as the four stared at them blankly.

"Who are you three?" The man with blonde hair asked as Angela rolled her eyes again.

"I'm Abreann Trujillo." She said as they looked at her. "This is Andres, my older brother. And the one sitting in the corner is our younger sister, Angela."

"They have weird name, no?" The drunkard said as he tried to stand up and fell flat on his face. Andres and Abreann tried their hardest not to laugh at the guy's drunkness. Angela rolled her eyes again.

"Wait, who has a weird name?" Abreann asked as she stared at the drunk trying to rise to his feet.

"You have weird name." He said as he stood up and swayed where he stood.

"How the fuck do I have a weird name?" She asked, clearly annoyed with him.

"Ab... Abr... Ann..." He tried to pronounce her name and gave up. "Nikolai can't even say it... So you have weird name."

She sighed and Andres started laughing again.

"What a dumbass." He said as he tripped over his own foot and almost fell off the stage again.

"Talk about dumbass." Blondie said as Andres quickly rose to his feet. Abreann laughed at her brother's stupidity and started talking to him in their language.

"Tonghongeyong conganong hongelongpong usong." She said as the four men stared at her blankly.

"Nongotong ifong Anonggongelonga fonginongdongdong wonghongo tonghongeyong aronge."

"I can hear you two!" Angela said with sarcasm. "And what do you guys mean by that?"

Andres and Abreann turned toward Angela and went "Shh!" The four men continued to stare at them blankly as blondie spoke again.

"Look, I don't know who you guys are, or what the hell you're saying, but do you know where we're at?"

Abreann faced them, a smile plastered across her face.

"Boys," she said as she raised her arms, "welcone to Kino Der Toten."

"Theatre of zhe damned?" The first man they saw asked as Andres stared at him blankly.

"That's what that means?"

"No shit, Sherlock."

Angela spoke for the first time since they had met them. "You guys still haven't introduced yourselves." She said as everyone looked at her.

"I am Edward Richtofen." He said with a wide ear-to-ear grin plastered across his face.

"Tank Dempsey." Dempsey said as Angela gave herself a facepalm.

Just fucking perfect! She thought to herself as Abreann looked at her and chuckled. She rolled her eyes again and froze in her place.

Abreann, Andres, and the entire Zombie Slaying crew readied themselves as boards began to tear down again. Angela jumped to her feet and ran over to where the six were standing. She felt weird and began glowing blue.

"Abreann!" She said with panic. "What the fuck is happening!?" She started to disappear as Abreann grabbed for her sister. She disappeared completely.

"Abreann! We have to go!" Andres said as he grabbed Abreann's shoulder. "Now!"

"Angela..." She wasn't made for this game... She's... Home...

Siblings And Zombies; Slaying Together Means Staying TogetherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon