Adventures Await! Wait, Where Are We?

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Adventures Await! Wait, Where Are We?

The three lied on the floor. There were two girls and a guy. The taller of the girls slowly stirred and woke up. She looked around at her surroundings and shook the other two teenagers awake.

"Andres! Angela! Get up!"

The other two jumped up and looked around themselves.

"Abreann!" The other girl exclaimed as she looked around and panicked. "Where the fuck are we!?"

Abreann and Andres looked around one last time before sighing and slowly shaking their heads.

"I know exactly where we're at. And you do, too. Right, Andres?"

"Fuck, man! Why the fuck are we here!?"

"What!? What are you two talking about!?"

Abreann and Andres faced Angela. The expressions on their faces were unreadable. Angela became concerned, scared, and confused.

"Tell me!"

Abreann walked up to Angela and grabbed her shoulders. "Angela," she said as Angela's eyes filled with tears, "we're in the game you hate the most."

"The game I hate the most...?"

"Yes. The game Andres and I play all the time."

"W-what g-game...?"

Abreann sighed again. She knew exactly where they were, but she didn't want to freak Angela out even more than she already is.

"Tell me where we're at, Abreann."

"Angela, we are in Kino Der Toten."

"Kino Der Toten? Where the fuck is that!?"

Andres smacked Angela upside her head. "Angela, we're in the fucking Call Of Duty Game!" He said as Angela started freaking out and crying even more. Abreann grabbed her younger sister and shook her out of it.

"Angela, it's alright. We'll get through this. We just need to find a way out of this place."

"We don't even know how we fucking got here! How the fuck are we supposed to find a way out!?"

"I don't know! But we have to!"

While the two sisters argued, andres walked over to the Olympia that was outline in chalk on the wall. He grabbed it and walked over to the M14.

"Abreann." He said as he pushed open the top door that led to the portrait room. "Grab a gun. You, too, Angela."

"I don't know how to use a fucking gun!" Angela said as Abreann grabbed the M14 and walked over to where Andres was standing. Angela sighed, rolled her eyes, and grabbed the M14 as well. Andres looked at Abreann as zombie growls were heard behind them.

"Shit!" Abreann hissed as the barriers started getting torn apart.

"Shoot them!" Andres yelled as he and Abreann began shooting at the zombies. Angela ran over to her brother and sister and began shooting with them.

"Andres! Angela!" Abreann said as she ran to the door that led down to where the Speed Cola and the Stakeout were located. "We need to go!" She opened the door and the three ran down the stairs.

"The Box!" Andres exclaimed as he ran over to it. "Cover me!" He said as he flipped the Box open, and Abreann and Angela covered him with their weapons. He watched the guns cycle through each other before finally stopping on the gun he had hoped to God that he would get. He flipped around as Abreann ran over to the Box.

"Cover me!" She yelled as she flipped the Box open. Andres blasted the zombies with a shot of air from his Thunder Gun. Abreann watched the guns cycle through each other. She nearly jumped with glee as she picked up her most favorite gun in the world.

"Dip, niggas! Dip!" Andres said as they almost became overwhelmed with zombies.

Andres pushed the door open and the three ran for their lives through the dressing room. Abreann pushed the stage door open and ran right over to the M16. She swapped it with her empty M14 and started shooting more zombies as Andres flipped the power on.

"Look, Andres!" She exclaimed with glee. "The Teleporter!" The three ran past it and dove off the stage. They ran back into the main lobby as Angela almost lost her footing. They led the zombies back through the lobby and up to the portrait room again. Abreann pulled a switch, and the trap activated. The twenty-some zombies left were fried and the three siblings sighed with relief. The trap discharged and they walked back into the lobby and to the stage. Andres and Abreann were surprised to not be hearing zombies. They walked up to the Teleporter and looked inside it. There were weird buttons and controls in it. Abreann and Andres looked at each other and were very confused.

"Where the fuck did these buttons come from?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

"Why is it so easy in the game, and so fucking hard in real life?"

Andres and Abreann walked over to where Angela was at and they tried to calculate what they would do next. Even with Abre and Andres playing the game as much as they do, they would not be able to survive much longer.

"I'm tired." Angela said as she plopped down on the stage floor. "And that fucking hurt." She said as she grabbed her ass. Abreann and Andres sat next to her as they wondered how everyone back home was doing. Just then, they all heard the sound of zapping and collapsing people. Slowly, the three looked over and saw three men laid out on the floor and one standing on his feet.

"Shit." Abreann whispered as Angela slowly scooted closer to her older siblings, and they began to stand up. Andres mis-judged the step, and fell on the stairs. The one standing looked right at the three of them.

"Well, fuck." Abreann said as she looked at the other two. "More trouble..."

Siblings And Zombies; Slaying Together Means Staying TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora