Chapter 8 - Carnival

Start from the beginning

"Come on, it's just me. What am I gonna do?" He said.

He did have a point. "Okay, fine. You got me. What song should I sing?"

"You want me to pick for you?"

"Sure. As long as I know the song, I like the song, and there's no high notes that the only possible person that can hit them is Mariah Carey." I said.

"Don't worry." He assured.

He was trying to think of a song as we were walking. "Come on Nathan." I rushed him.

"Stop rushing me, geez!" He said.

We were getting closer to the carnival. I could faintly hear music playing and people yelling and talking. "You might want to hurry." I chuckled.

"Why's that?"

"Because we're getting close to the carnival." I pointed.

"We can decide a song later. Come on!" He grabbed my hand and ran to the direction of the carnival.

I winced at the coldness of his hand once again. But the moment passed and I continued running.

"Nathan! Calm down!" I laughed as we were running.

When we made it, he slowed down.

When Nathan saw all of the interactions, i'm not exaggerating when I say he looked like a little kid in a candy store. 

"What do you want to do first?" I asked.

He looked around. "I don't know." He said.

How could he not know?! There were at least twenty things that I could see that we could do. And that's just walking in and looking around and not even looking thoroughly.

"Look." I pointed.

He tried looking at what I was pointing at.

I was pointing at the game where you spray the water into little mouths and win a prize.

I walked over to it. "Wanna play this?" He asked as I picked up a water gun.

"Yeah. I love this game for some reason." I said.

We began shooting the water into the clowns' mouths and to say the least, Nathan has bad aim! I on the other hand, have great aim and was amazing at this game. Either Nathan was off of his game by a lot, he was letting me win, or he just had bad aim in general.

"You know the objective of this game is to shoot water into the mouths, right?" I laughed once we were done.

"Don't insult my aiming!" He laughed.

"I wouldn't have to, if you could aim!" I laughed.

"You're so rude." He pretended to be offended.

"Aw, don't be so sad." I said.

He laughed. We continued to walk around the carnival, looking for stuff to do.

"There's a photo booth. Wanna go to that?" Nathan asked me and pointed.

"Sure." He nodded.

Nathan's POV

I'm having a good time with Skye and we haven't been here 10 minutes yet. I find that weird.

We walked over to the photo booth and stepped in. 

Her and I made such stupid poses and faces. The faces she made made her look so hilarious!

We took about 5 pictures before we were done. 

When we stopped taking them, we grabbed our copies and went on.

"I look so weird!" Skye laughed and covered her eyes.

"I think you look great. You're being yourself, which is a good thing!" I smiled.

"But the faces I made!" She laughed.

"Hey, you're not the only one who looked like a total psycho." I showed her my copy of the pictures.

She looked at my copy and burst out laughing. "Okay, so we both have things to be embarrassed of." She said, pointing at my copy and giving it a look.

"Ahem!" I pointed at a specific one on hers. Her eyes were crossed and her tongue was sticking out. In reality, she looked amazing to me.

Crossed eyes and all. I love how she can be weird and not give a shit. 

"Look at this face, you look like someone just shot your puppy. So serious!" She pointed at the first one of mine. 

"Clearly, that one was on purpose." I laughed.

"Oh I know, but that doesn't mean that I can't laugh." She smirked.

I laughed. We continued walking around.

"Having a good time so far?" I asked over the loud bustle of people.

"Yeah." She smiled.

I wish I can just tell her that I like her. But she barely knows me. How werid would it be if me, not knowing her very well, told her that I liked her?

I want to make sure that this feeling is real..

Because I can tell that Skye isn't like other girls.

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