chapter 7

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**Warning there is slight cussing in this chapter!!**

I had managed to make it to lunch with no more news about Friday fall but the group of boys had snagged my attention as I tried to silently observe them but sometimes I would look over and catch them staring at me. I tried to write it off as simply looking in my direction but by gym after lunch as I walked into the gymnasium I felt there eyes on me and I knew I could no longer write it off as coincidence but I kept my head down. No sooner had we gotten into gym had the fire alarm rang out over the large space. I don't know what got into me, maybe the frantic look in their eyes, that or the way they ran like their lives depended on it but when the two boys bolted out the doors of the gym I found myself following them ignoring the teachers yells as I sprinted to keep them in sight.

I stopped at the base of the stair leading to the second floor of the main building looking up at the balcony that was crammed with teenagers all making a huge commotion and knew this was Friday fall. When the two boys ran up it sent a shock of motion went through the whole crowd as an obvious fight broke out. I leaped up the steps to see a large mass of student all swinging at the two boys as they tried to fight them off. Several others from their group where there too. Already over powers but continuing to struggle. I realized one was missing the boy with the glasses from the bus. I searched the crowd from my spot at the top of the stairs. Then I saw him being hoisted up by several students and I knew if I didn't stop them he would go over the railing and if he didn't know how to land right he could seriously injure himself, or worse. I didn't want to think about that as I ran jumping up and planting my two feet onto one of the boys who was holding his ankle's side sending him falling and giving the boy enough time to kick out at the boy holding his other ankle. I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist from behind holding me against a chest then walking me over to the railing he pushed me against it, the smell of menthol and cigarettes greeted me when the man said, "stay here you bitch," and delivered a hard slap to my cheek I flitched back but reaching up I pushed my hands against his chest to no avail. Looking over I saw they had gained back the upper hand on the boy and was again making there way to the railing. Without think I realized they would only send over one person what if I was that person? "I'll go!" I said to the man holding me against the railing, he sneered, "you can't go we don't send girls over." Crap, fine I thought to myself I don't need someone to toss me anyway. Reaching up I tried to punch him in the face but missed and hit his chin instead. Shocked he pushed me back and right over the railing.

That few seconds of free falling was amazing then gathering my wits about me I prepared for the landing. When my feet struck the ground I let my knees give pushing to the side and rolled out of the fall. The momentum getting me back to me feet and I took off running back up the stairs ignoring the bit in my ankle, it would heal. At the top I heard several other people rushing up behind me but I would not stop not yet they where trying to kill people and I would not let that happen to anyone else. I didn't know where the courage came from but it was there and I intended to use it.

Turned out the people that followed me up were there to help they had seen me get tossed over and had stepped in. Why they stepped in know and not any of the other times I don't know. Before I knew it we had everyone either corralled on the balcony or they had fled when the help arrived. Once I saw that there was going to be no more tossing people over I slipped off. All the courage seeping from me and I was left shaking feeling weak and drained.

The walk home was excruciating as I wondered if my mother realized I had not been home and if so what would the punishment be.

Gabriel's POV

The way the girl, Sang, came in was fucking amazing no one could say other wise. After the incident we were taken to an empty room where we spilled our guts to Doc and and Mr.B. afterwords we went in search for her. Mr. B had been having Vic do background checks on her and her family while nothing came up for her. Her family looked pretty normal to normal and we had reason to believe abuse was at play in her household. When no one could find her after the incident Mr. B had us go to her house to see if she made it home okay. Problem was her mother wasn't to compliant and we all knew something wasn't right.

Sore if this is terrible its what my midnight sleep deprived brain came up with. No this is not edited if you see any mayor mistakes please point them out. The word count for this chapter is 949. Vote, comment,what not.
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