chapter 2

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Today's registration for my new school, Ashley Waters, and ever since that night when I snuck out I have been walking on egg shells.

Flash back,
I slipped back into the house the next morning. When a shrill voice called out,
I cringed and made my way to my parents bedroom standing in the door I stepped in stepping on a spot that squeaked to get her attention. Her head snapped up and she stood standing at the end of the bed.
"Where were you?"
She asked and I tried not to cringe.
"In the woods behind the house."
I said and she growled,
"No you weren't where were you? Whoring yourself around you little whore trying to destroy everything I have worked to keep up this family!" She roared and came at me grabbing my arm and yanked me harshly down the hall into the kitchen.

"Kneel!" She commanded pointing to the ground and I cowtoed on the ground by her feet as this was a common punishment for her. Then she started moving around the kitchen, but I didn't dare pick my head up to see what she was doing until she stopped in front of me and grabbed a handful of my hair pulling my head up and smashed a cup against my mouth, the smell of lemon juice and vinegar assaulted my nose as she forced me to drain the cup. Then she released me and left with a dismissive wave and I ran up the stairs to the bathroom and up chucked everything in my stomach. Before going to my room to hide from any further of my mothers punishments.

End of flash back

I shivered at the memory the next morning I had been unable to use my voice, but over the week since my voice has come back to the point where I could stage whisper without going into a coughing fit. I showered and dressing in a pink and black plaid skirt and a black blouse with my sandal before going down stairs where my father and sister where waiting at the car.

The ride to the school was quiet and as soon as we pulled up to the over stuffed parking lot my father let out a curse but we found a spot on the grass where several other cars were parked. The inside was just as crowded and father told Marie and I to go get registered so I headed to the sophomore line and Marie when to the junior line.

When I got to the front I handed the councilor my paper and she read through it looked up at me and back at the paper before putting it into her computer and handed me a printed paper, "you had to many AP classes so I changed them and Japanese is not given for your grade so I put you in art." I gulped at that I could not draw. Even my stick figures looked bad. "Go to the office to turn in your registration after you get your parent to sign it." She tod me clearly getting angry. Finding father I handed him the paper to sign which he did then waved me off with out a second look. I started towards the office squeezing through the crowd when someone pushed me from behind sending me into someone else, "no need to push," I looked up into a middle aged mans face with a name tag that said principal Hendricks "sorry" I whispered and he looked me over "give me your paper" he said taking it out of my hand he looked it over, "art how typical" he said looking me over again "your shirk is too short you will have to go home and change," my eyes widened I looked down at my skirt and put my arms to my side "but they go below my finger tips they are with in regulations" I said and he growled but thrusted the paper back at me "go to the office" he said then turned and stalked away.

The office was packed and it took fifteen minutes till it was my turn the three more minutes until I was done and with in five minutes I was outside at the car with Marie and father driving back to the house.

Sean's aka Dr. Greens POV

I watched at Hendricks stalked a young girl literally, finally he stopped just as she was shoved to the side and into him, coincide I think not! I had to restrain myself from going over to help repeating to myself family first, family first, family first, Nathan coming to mind and as she walked into the office I turned and walked away.

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