Second Chance [Nineteen]

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Hello everyone! I'm happy that I have been able to upload so soon. I'm also happy and honored that so many people have been reading this story. I really didn't think I would have a thousand reads, let alone 6 thousand! Soooo, I wanted to dedicate this story to a person that even though they really haven;t made their presence known, I have noticed them voting to almost all the chapters. I really appreciate this and I thank you, trichmcelroy! 

I know there are a lot of other people who have been dedicated to my story,  and I wish to know who you all are to be able to personally thank you but unfortunalely I don't...

I still would like to thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting. You guys are awesome!! :D


“I hope you guys didn’t eat all the food because we are really hungry,” Henry said as he walked into the apartment with Irvin t his heels.

            “Of course we didn’t, but if it was up to Riley, the food would have been gone ages ago,” I smirked looking at Riley who groaned and screamed out that he was still hungry. Irving placed his things down by the door as he shook his head laughed. He walked passed Riley and ruffled his hair calling him a little kid. My brother laughed sitting down next to me. He was still all sweaty and smelled really bad. “Wow! Henry, go shower! Irving you too! Jesus, you guys are going to stick up the apartment,” I said as I began to push Henry towards his bathroom. “We’ll heat up the food for you guys,” I said walking into the kitchen. “Come on, it’s time to go your place so you go to shower.” I pulled Irvin out of the kitchen and out the door.

            “But I’m seriously hungry, Dawn. Don’t make a guy suffer.” He pleaded attempting to give me the puppy dog look. I laughed at his attempt, he rolled his eyes. He could have easily released himself from my grip, but instead allowed me to pull him towards his apartment.

It was rare to see Irvin being playful and I enjoyed it when he was. He spent most of the time being quite and serious. Though he was lean, it looked like he was all muscle. He had more muscles than the other two intimidated me when I first met them. He wouldn’t talk much and I would often find him staring at me. It was until Henry told them the incident did he stopped and began to be more friendly with me. I feared him at first, but I learned that he can be a big softy.

            “Well, you better take a quick shower!” I laughed as I opened the door to their apartment. “Why don’t you guys ever lock your door or clean?” This was the first time I had ever walked into their apartment and now I understood why I was never invited here. The room was a mess; there were dirty dishes on the coffee table, bags of chips and chips on the floor, clothes and blankets laid across the couches. The set of the place was similar to our apartment, but the guys just had two big couches, coffee table and a flat screen that was somehow attached to the wall. The worst part of all was the smell that lingered in the air, it smelled as if something died. “Now I know why you guys spend so much time in our apartment,” I gagged.

            “I know,” Irvin sighed then seemed to regret breathing deeply. “It’s Riley’s fault.” He said as he reached for bottle of air freshener.

            “Why am I not surprised?” I shook my head knowing this was most of Riley’s doing. Irvin laughed as he went around the room spraying the air freshener around.

            “He wanted to get a pet, but we wouldn’t let him. Riley being Riley, bought a hamster without us knowing, he lost it about a month ago and couldn’t find it. Until the place started smelling like this did he finally admitted to us what he did. He was sad when he realized the hamster is dead.”

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