Second Chance [Three]

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I’m stuck in my room now, doing absolutely nothing. Mr. Clark had given us both a day suspension and since today was Friday, I had a three day weekend. For that I was thankful that Tricia had chosen Thursday to pick a fight with me. But then again, that also meant I get to be stuck at home with the people I hate the most. 

Mike had been extremely mad when he found out about the fight, so he did what he did best. He beat me until he got tired and left me on the floor. I didn’t care where he left me as long as he was gone before the tears of pain started to come out, I didn’t want to cry nor did I wish to cry, they just came out and I hated that. It made me feel weak and useless. But at least Mike wasn’t there to see them or else he would have been proud of himself. Ever since my mom died last year I haven’t cried, but now I did. It wasn’t because Mike had beaten me, it was because while he was hitting me I thought of all the things I have been through that have made my life a living hell. And losing my mom was the one that always made the tears come out. 

"So, how are you feeling?" Henry asked as he walked into my room smirking. He stopped carrying about me and the rest of the family when Lanny died. He and Lanny were starting to grow close when it happened even though Lanny was 6 years younger than him.

"Yeah, like you care," I huffed

"Look fucker, at least I’m asking!" he yelled and slapped me. Yeah me and my big mouth, we always get into worse problems. Maybe I should learn to shut up? 

Yeah maybe you should ,the voice began laughing at me. I rolled my eyes at the stupid voice, but Henry seemed to think I was rolling them at him and hit me again.

"Don’t roll your eyes at me! I hope Mike ends up beating you again, I’m not missing it this time" he smirked and left the room

"Low-life" I said under my breath. He was already 20 and still living at home and not even going to college. See kids, that’s what happens when you do drugs.

"Here, you ungrateful bitch, eat!" Mike had thrown a bag from McDonalds at me. I hadn’t realized I fell asleep until then.

"Thanks" I told him as he walked out of my room. I guess this means there is nothing in the fridge, Mike is going to make me go to the store later on. I thought as I unwrapped the burger. Once I was done I went down stairs to throw away the trash and get some water.

"Here, go to the store and get the things we are missing." Michael said as he roughly handed me the money and a list of things we didn’t have in the fridge.

"But Mike, its late already and-" he threw me against the wall and pressed his body against mine.

"Your going to go and GET the groceries and your going to go without saying another word" he said harshly. I just nodded and put the things in my pocket. I didn’t want to get him mad this time. I really wasn’t in the mood to get beaten by the man, so I did as he said and headed out to the store to get the groceries. 

Damn it, I should have grabbed a sweater or something. I thought as I walked out of the house and down the sidewalk.

Yeah, you should have. I mean its only January here. The voice began to speak to me as I made my way down the street.

Oh shut it! I don’t need you to rub things in my face.

But its fun and quite amusing I must say.

Why are you always doing this to me! You live in my head but yet annoy the hell out of me. What have I done to you?!

Nothing really, I’m just bored, so I bug you. 

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