I Am A Monster : Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

We walk into the castle, which is huge; I gasp.

There are so many werewolves that it gives me a headache. Werewolves pacing in wolf form, glaring at me with baleful eyes. Werewolves in human form, watching me with eyes narrowed. I keep my head held high and keep going, Sabrina next to me, glaring right back at anyone who glares at us. They seem to shrink back before her.

"Come on," says Kelly impatiently. Lola walks besides her.

I'm starting to like Kelly less and less, but I continue to walk forward with Sabrina at my side. Soon Amari's brown wolf morphs next to me, and she walks on my other side.

We're in a room the size of a house. It has huge windows with light flooding in and it's just a huge hall that leads into different corridors. At the end of the room, there is a doorway to another corridor. Kelly and Lola lead us to the end of the room and through the corridor at the end. Right at the end of the corridor, we turn left.

We're in another room. This is the size of a large bedroom with a huge dome. At the end, there is a bench. A majestic-looking girl with raven-black hair (black hair is common for werewolves) that falls down her shoulders like a graceful waterfall sits on the left side of the bench. She has a long, deep blue dress that trails to the floor, with beautiful streaks of silver on the bottom. She is wearing silver high heels. Her skin is tan, and she is truly beautiful. Her eyes are dark brown, glittering with playfulness. And next to her sits the king.

The king has tousled brown hair and dark hazel eyes. His face looks sort of round in some way, though it's tan, with a roundish nose and a roundish face and roundish eyes. His face has a timeless edge to it. He smiles at us, a welcoming smile. He is wearing a golden crown and a scarlet shirt and khakis.

"Welcome," he says in a booming voice. Some of the pack morphs at his warm welcome. His eyes twinkle with a kind light. "As you may know, this is the most successful werewolf base in all of history. I welcome you here. This is a very large pack, I see, although probably tired of traveling, I imagine?"

Several more werewolves morph, nodding. He gives us all sympathetic looks. Then he continues.

"You will be safe here, and contribute to the kingdom. We launch regular raids on vampire castles, collecting the werewolves, changing the humans into werewolves, and killing off the vampires. We're used to a few werewolves or one showing up at a time, so this truly strengthens the base. We always have roughly five hundred werewolves. This is a huge jumpstart."

Several werewolves smile, hope shining in their eyes.

"Now," he continues in a businesslike tone, "This also means more hunting, more beds, and more room. Sure, this is a big castle"--he gestures around--"but we must keep expanding, meaning builders. Then guards, and so on. Each werewolf will have a job. Yes?"

Some nod, some grunt their agreements, and some continue to eye him suspiciously.

"There will be raiders, builders, guards, repairers, doctors, hunters, chefs, architects, generals, Changers, and so on. Do you understand?"

Again, there is smiling, nodding, grunting, and eyeing. He smiles like this is all positive feedback.

"Perfect! My wife here, the lovely Arabella, or Your Majesty as you should call her, will divide you into groups--wood gatherers, farmers, all of that."

Queen Arabella steps off of her throne, her silvery-blue dress trailing gracefully behind her and says in a high, angelic voice, "Get into a line, please."

There is a shuffling as the remaining werewolves morph and we get into a ragged, twisting line.

I happen to be eighth, which is lucky, since the line goes straight out of the room and into the hall. Sabrina's first.

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