I Am A Monster : Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I'm running for hours.

I don't dare turn around. I know they can't run as fast as me and they can't run for as long. I need to get far enough ahead, mask my scent, kill them off, and find the pack.

Maybe there is no pack to find, a sad voice in my head says.

Shut up, I growl.

I feel so stupid. I should have killed that man sooner. Then he wouldn't have been able to get to the alarm. Why did I kick him, when I could have just stretched my hands and snapped his neck? I snarl at myself for my idiocy before hearing an echo of a growl behind me.

Damn, they can't be shaken off easily, can they? They really have to make my life so hard?

Yes, answers a voice in my head, even though it was a rhetorical question. I sigh inwardly.

My wolf self is getting a conscience of its own.

Sometimes this happens, though rarely. The likeness is higher in Free-Morphers, which I am. It's even higher in prophecy-makers, which I am, too, although I hate to admit it. I'd never really thought about it. But it makes me happy, too, to know that I have someone to talk to. It can also point out hints that I don't notice but they do.

Like a friend I can never get away from.

As quickly as the happiness is there, it disappears. They'll always be there. My brain will never be alone. And who knows? I might not even like them. They could be rash and annoying and get me killed. I'll probably get tired of it, too, not to mention the exhausting fights I might get into with it.

Don't be rash, it tells me. I can hear your thoughts, you know.

I growl, but that just makes my Wolf laugh.

What's your name? I ask it, though it feels like a stupid question, especially compared to all of the others that are swirling in my head.


What do you mean? I demand. That's my name!

Not only yours, she responds.

I was right, I respond hotly. You are annoying. I don't like you!

The questions have disappeared, replaced by anger.

Cool it, she says, sounding irritated. I'm stuck in your head just as much as you're stuck in mine. Do you realize how annoying it is to be cooped up in here?

I ignore her, looking forward and trying to get ahead of the vampires.

Your name is not Bree, I tell the wolf girl. That's my name. It's taken already.

I'm your conscience! she argues. I'm you!

I growl in frustration and anger and annoyance, tossing my head from side to side, as if trying to shake her out of it. She protests angrily, and I try to drown out the noise. Finally, she sighs.

We need to work together, she finally says in a defeated tone.

I nod, agreeing silently, keeping my eyes trained on the trees around me.

Bree, she says, my name is Bree.

I growl. No, my name is Bree. Hers isn't.

I can hear your thoughts, you know!

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