"Do not worry about it Princess, please; now go." Rosie smiled, giving a small wave before running off; all the while the older man waltzed back inside, a smile nestled on his face. 

Rosie was most likely late, but then again when was she not. With a quick stumble through the Palace of Sunspear, she ran up the stairs, seeing Daario leaning against the railings. 

"How late am I?" She practically shouted, gripping onto his tunic and tugging him along; his hair wildly flapping in front of his face. In his hands he held a long dress, this in a daring burgundy colour. 

As she ran she began to rip her tunic off, before her breeches tugging her dress over the top of her head, and pulling it down.

"Late enough for them to begin to ask where you are." A grumble erupted from Rosie's chest as she pushed open the door to the hall, smiling to the various guests around her. Her hair was a mess and she was panting but she didn't care, she had arrived. 

It was a feast in her honour, something that only the closest of the close knew about. With a tug on the band that kept her hair back, she let it fall down her back, brushing the few strays from her face. 

"What do you want me to do with your clothes?" The crumpled clothes now laid in his hands, gaining a questionable look from Obara and Ellaria in the corner, who turned and began to gossip. 

"Just pass them to one of the maids, they'll place them in my room." She hissed, her eyes never once straying from those around her.

Oberyn's eager eyes had spied her as the doors had opened, making almost a beeline towards her and Daario. He was dressed in his usual orange robe, a mustard silk tunic underneath, dark breeches gracing his legs. His hand fell onto her back, engulfing it almost. 

"My love," His eyes also never left the crowds looking at them; Rosie couldn't help the flutter at the words he spoke to her, despite knowing it was all for show. "You look radiant, truly, but you are late; why?" He had bent down slightly now, his lips grazing her ears. 

"I'm sorry, Prince Oberyn, forgive me. I was still with the dressmaker, we were discussing some matters." Her indigo eyes met his, letting innocence mixed with honesty plunge into his heated gaze. 

"It is fine, Rosie; but please arrive on time next time. Especially as I will be introducing you as my wife." Again the flutters erupted inside her stomach at his words, his wife. She was to be his wife, tomorrow in fact. Rosie had never come across this feeling before, some sense of longing or pride. A blush ran across her cheeks at the very thought. She was a Dragon Queen for R'hllor's sake, she needed to get her shit together and stop this childish act. She had a duty. 

A smile graced his face at her blush, leaning down to kiss the soft skin where blood was pooling underneath. As he pulled back, she cupped his cheek, letting softness soak in.

"What was that for?" Rosie asked, curiosity over the Prince's sudden display of affection. Shock registered on Oberyn's face before he shook his head, his usual cocky smile taking over. 

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