Chapter one - I shouldn't have done that [Edited]

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A/N- [Edited late Jan 2021] I couldn't take the cringe so I decided to change everything, you can go through it if you want. :) [She/her pronouns but feel free to change anything for yourself]

↠(Y/A/N) = Your Aunt's name↞

↠(F/J/F) = Favorite Junk Food↞


★【 First Person POV 】★

If I told you that creepypastas was the one thing to really keep me moving, would you believe me?

No.. of course not. They're fake. They're serial killers. Why would anyone use them for anything? How could you look at a killer and say that you love them?

Well, you just do. Somehow. I don't know, I can't really explain these dumb feelings. The feeling of wanting to comfort them even though they'd stab me dead. Sometimes I just read story upon story about them just to feel loved by someone.. anyone.

If you understand, then cool. My favorite is a glitched Link that drowned.

As I scrolled through the current Ben Drowned fan-fic I had up on my laptop, I sighed when my alarm on my phone went off. My alarm to get to school. Sometimes I just want to stay home, but that woman would just scream and berate me for not going.

I really didn't want to put effort in my clothes, even though they're uniform. I lifted up my uniform shirt, a white button up shirt that thankfully was slightly bigger than my usual size so I can actually work with it. Never get a tight button up shirt.

After putting on undergarments, I buttoned it all up and put on the other piece of the school requirement- a skirt. Skirts are cool and all, but wearing this daily just because I'm female? Not fun. Sometimes I'm just cold, and you can't wear pants. The skirt looks nice, I guess. It was a white and blue plaid patterned skirt with a female tie that matched.

Sound nice? No? Well, I don't care. I slipped on the skirt, and stared at myself in the mirror. I still feel.. insecure. I still feel like I will never be the person I wanna look like. I know everyone would wear something like this, but why do I feel the ugliest? Why do I feel like I can do better?

After taking a brush, and brushing my (H/L) (H/C) hair just to make it a bit more nicer to look at, I thought I looked ready for school. I don't see the reason of making myself look like a model if I'll come back a clown. I wanted to look nice, but either I ruin it or others do.

The second thing to creepypastas to me is video games. It just lets your mind become free from reality. It could make you calmer, and make you feel joy. I love the feeling so much that I begged my parents for cartridges for the Nintendo 64. That system is the only thing that was given to me back then, so I began to collect cartridges. I loved each game that was given, even the bad ones.

The only one I haven't collected is Majora's mask. Ironic, isn't it? But I'm determined to find one somewhere.

I left my room as I swung my book bag around my shoulder for school, my black shoes being at the door. I held my phone in one hand, and I knew my headphones were in my bag from yesterday, so I don't have to get annoyed with all that talking. Thankfully, as I quietly stepped down the stairs I heard my deadbeat Aunt snoring. Goddamn, she sounds like a pig.

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