"Do you believe me now?" he questioned with an arch of his brow, before he tucked it back into his wallet and stuffed it into his pocket.

My gaze rose up, swallowing thickly as I finally nodded in agreement. He held his hand out for me to take, giving a short reassuring nod as his other hand took his mask off. It frustrated me that even then I couldn't remember his face, nonetheless admiring how handsome he looked and how unexpected it seemed of me to have known him as a lover in my past. My hand slid into his warm on, his grip tightening on it as he began to tug me away.

My gaze flickered over my shoulder, gazing at the party that was about to go to shit in the next fifteen minutes. But I tried to tell myself that what I was doing was right; I barely knew the people at Omega nor cared for them. Sami was my only friend but there was something he wasn't telling me and I knew he had knowledge of Viola's intentions. Perhaps something was keeping him from telling me. Donovan cared for me, much more than I preferred him to since our relationship was only ever sexual and nothing more.

The other members of my team only acknowledged me for my skill and how useful I was to the team, other than that none of them would risk their lives nor try saving me. Viola was vicious and manipulative, nothing but an intimidating monster whom only wanted power and nothing else. I wasn't entirely sure why the rest of the team obeyed her without a question, but Sami and I were the only ones with actual brains to realize that this all was utterly wrong.

I only obeyed because Viola always threatened to have me tortured, not even killed. It happened once and it was so horrific I had nightmares about it, but luckily Sami and Donovan convinced her to stop before I bled to death. She also threatened to hurt him and Sami, the only two people I cared about in Omega. Donovan, even though we were just fuck buddies, I still cared for as a friend, same with Sami. Sometimes I was too compassionate, I cared too much, which always got me into some deep shit.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Harry tugged my hand, as we walked on top of the roof. Why we were on top of the roof was beyond me, but instead of questioning I walked along with him, holding my clutch and bunching up my dress in one hand, gripping his own with my other. My eyes widened when I realized something, making me halt immediately in my steps, tugging Harry back.

"What is it?" he questioned sharply, piercing green eyes glinting in the darkness as I gulped.

"Viola put some sort of tracking device in my arm, we have to get it out," I said pointing to the underside of my right arm. If you pressed the skin on top of it, you could feel the metal of the device. "Do you have a knife?"

"You want to cut it out? Now?" he gaped, as I rolled my eyes.

"Yes it's not in too deep. If I go to your base, she'll be able to track me down," I said hastily, before someone shouted from behind Harry. It was a bald man, dressed in all black and combat boots waving from an aircraft that was settled on top of the roof.

"Harry!" he yelled, signaling for Harry to hurry up.

"We'll do it on there," he said before we began walking again, him leading me to the aircraft.

I let go of Harry's hand to pull up my dress as I walked up the runway of the aircraft, looking up to find multiple pairs of eyes staring back at me. They all looked slightly shocked, almost baffled to see me. But they also looked happy, overjoyed too. I wasn't an idiot to tell that they knew who I was, but it made me feel awful that I didn't know who they were. My eyes drifted to the side where there were seats, before they landed on an unconscious body lying down on three of them.

"Sami?" My face paled, as I rushed over to him and dropped onto my knees next to his body. I took his face into my hands, pressing my fingers against the skin of his neck on the side to fell his pulse. I breathed out in relief when I felt it pounding against the pads of my fingers, pulling my hand away. "What the hell did you do to him?" I questioned angrily, snapping my head to the side, to gaze at Harry since he was the only one I knew.

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