~32~ Dummy Study Buddies 4 Life.

Comenzar desde el principio

"It's okay Darren, just be cool and roll with this for today." May's pensive tone cuts off the dark voices in my skull screaming for a Fuzzy head to kick around the empty spaces. "Micheal's read to me before plenty of times, so it will be fine."

"Maybe..."  I immediately start to protest.

"It's either this, or I have to go home early ...without April?" She cuts me off clean like a queen. "So what's an hour of reading numbers really gonna hurt? It's not like I am gonna learn anything anyway?" She snorts wryly, and poor Guys Mike looks almost hurt. Like he was actually going try to teach her numbers against her will. "Now off you go to buddy with Butchy, and we'll take a long walk in the park after this to cool down. Okay, Dare?" 

"Okay, May whatever you say." I intone by rote, as May pushes me off me and totters away towards a table with Guy Mike in tow.

"Oh, and do me a favor please? At least try to talk him out of falling into Someone's Sisters mal charms?" May smirks wickedly back. "We don't want to see poor Butchy have to pony up her half too, on the way to the saddest parking lot after da playoffs are over? Just because Someone's Sister couldn't wait another week and already spent all her allowance on the cutest new sparkly kitty collar ever."

"Damn that cat collar thing was kinda cold." Butchy snorts. "Ape's not that bad."

"Neither is Buster, more or less." I counter evenly. "But I'm sure there are days when you want to kill him to death."

"That is very true." Butchy grunts in agreement, that starts stomping back to our table for two in the back stacks.  

I lag behind him, unable to keep my eyes off of May uncertain steps as Guy's Mike leads her astray. My head is in overdrive now, coming up with all sorts of heroic scenarios that I might have to save her from. Chairs that could fall over in front of her, causing her to trip and break her neck. Or big books could fly off the shelves and smash her sweet face. Or the library shelves could suddenly tip over, and break her precious legs. Which I've never actually seen under her standard black yoga stretchy sweatpants things? But can only imagine them in their slender pale splendor.

Thankfully Guy's Mike actually helps May safely finds her spot, and eases her down into the sturdy chair. After which May waves back awkwardly with a smile. I'm not sure the smile is for me or Guys Mike? But I don't really care either way, cause I will take what I can get at this point.  

I slowly rotate around to face Fuzzo, and me and this ass clown have an eye boning moment. The one where I let him know, that he and me are so going to have our own defining moment in the very near future. I am sorely tempted to invite him down to Da Frost later for a little walk in talk down that nice back alley to see the beats. Then stomp that smug smile right off his face ...with the heel of my stomping boots. A Fuzzy teeth necklace sounds like just the thing to balance the scales of this karmic iniquity.

"Don't think for a second that this is done, dude." I seethe savagely into the clown, who takes another couple of steps away. "Or that I won't be dropping down on Mrs. St. C after this shit to see what's what. Then you and me are gonna have a little talk all about what time it is."  

"Do whatever guy." He rolls his eyes and smirks smugly, and I almost take him down right on the spot. Smash his flocking fuzzy head into the sharp corner of the reference desk repeatedly, until he get's the point. Never separate me from my heresy or suffer the wrath of the faithful.

"Priorities Dare, think priorities." May sings sweetly from her table. I think my dark goddess knows me well enough by now to know exactly where my head is at. I eye bone Fuzzo hard in passing as I reluctantly head back towards me and Butchy's table for two.  

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