More then a friend

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So it was the 2nd semester and gabby passed with only one C. She still only had daikon as her friend but she didn't care, he was one of the nicest friends ever! Sometimes they would go out for lunch and they would laugh a lot! Gabby stopped in front of the school having people, including Sarah's new besties crash into her.

"I like him!" She shouted, people looked around confused, but then they went back to what they were doing just a few seconds after. She stormed into the school and went to the bathroom. She took a good look in the mirror messing with her hair. "How can I like him!? He's a teacher and I'm a student were not suppose to be with each other. And if my parents found out id be screwed, no far worse id be fucking murdered by them!!" She said to herself, not wanting to say aloud and draw even more popular girl glares towards her. She left the bathroom and was off to 1st period, like every morning she put in her headphones and completely zoned out.

She decided to skip 4th period. She'd rather not tangle with her lovely feelings right now. So she just went to the councilor and tried to change her schedule. Nope! They wouldn't change it the way she wanted it, no classes with Wes, Sara, or daikon. sadly that wasn't going to happen so she had to accept the fact she was going to be in classes with all of them. Gabby sighed walking out the councilors office. She put her headphones on and continued through all her other classes. Lunch she sat by herself at a window listening to... Well music. She felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked over, it was the great WES! The one who was now dating little miss perfect, Mina!

"What do you want?" Gabby said rudely. Wes rubbed his head and took a few seconds before responding.

"Look gabby-" gabby stopped him by putting her hand in his face.

"Look WES, I know what your going to say and I don't really give a shit! You chose to go and cheat on me, that's that no discussion and I've moved on so I suggest you take your girlfriend and move on too." Wes was speechless. He couldn't stop gabby and she got up to leave, swinging her bag over her shoulder and heading to daikons room. She just needed him and she didn't care how she felt about him she just needed him right now.

Once she got into the room shut the door and ran over to daikon who was standing in the middle of the room setting stuff on the desks. She gave him a big hug, and he didn't notice it was her until after he freaked out.

"Ga-gabby?" He saw the tears flowing down her face and he comforted her.

"I loved him! And now he's gone." Daikon knew she was talking about Wes. He slowly rubbed her back. Even though gabby knew it was bad to talk about your ex with boys daikon was different. He wasn't a boy he was a man, an adult, a teacher, her teacher. Daikon lifted Gabby's chin up and looked into her eyes.

"I won't ever leave you." He kissed her and they held it for a second until gabby jumped back.

"We can't. Not here." Daikon nodded and let her go.

"How about we have dinner tonight. I'll meet you at our favorite place, ok?" He pushed a piece of hair falling down her face behind her ear. gabby wiped the tears away and smiled nodding her head. "As our real first date." Gabby gave him a hug then rushed off after the bell rang.

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