Caught Redhanded

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"What took you so long?" Sara asked walking away from her other friends. Gabby decided it was best to just ignore them and their evil glares. Gabby took out her phone at looked at the missed call from Wes then looked back up at Sara.

"We were just talking about the play." Sara lifted one eyebrow,

"And? Are you going to audition?" Gabby shrugged and walked off sending a text to Wes.

Hey. She texted him looking up so she didn't trip waiting for him to text back.

Hi... He texted back. Gabby looked down at the phone and smiled. She found a place on the wall to sit.

Where are you? 

Uh.. Eating lunch like everyone else. He gave her a kind of rude tone, or at least that's what she thought. 

In the cafeteria? We never eat there.

We don't but I do. 

So your not going to eat with me? She frowned wondering why he was being so rude.

No I'm eating with friends, love you babe! Love you babe? Really? He just refused to eat lunch with her and he says, "love you babe?" Oh Gabby was not happy. She stood up and threw her phone in her bag and went over to the cafeteria. 

"Where's Wes?" She asked a few of his friends. Not caring how stupid she looked and that all Sara's friends were laughing at her.

"I don't know... He never eats here." One of his female friends said and started talking to the other guys, whore. Gabby thought but ignored that, that's not what she needed to know about. What she wanted to find out was where Wes was and why he lied to her. She stormed out ignoring Sara who was quiet confused. She raced after Gabby. 

"What's wrong?" Gabby didn't answer she just paced down the hall. "GABBY!" Sara stopped her. 

"I need to know." She said

"Know what?" Sara asked,

"If Wes is cheating on me." Gabby started to pull out her phone with a very worried expression on her face. 

"Why would you think-" Gabby shoved the phone in her face. 

"Dots. He never does dots unless he's hiding something. And plus he said he would meet me at our secret spot for lunch."

"Was he there?" Sara asked following Gabby again as she started to walk down another hall.

"Don't know. Didn't check. But I'm about to find out!" She opened a door and went outside. She rushed towards to the side of the school and ran into the woods. Sara still following behind.

"Gabby. Are you ok?" She was getting scared, she was never one to like woods, especially with a friend who looked psychcotic. Gabby jumped over a small river and went through a small hole in a hedge. She stopped and Sara crashed into her. 

"What the?" She rubbed her head and walked next to Gabby dropping her mouth. There Wes was kissing Mina Lores. One of the most popular girls in school. 

"I knew it! Of course you needed another girl. You couldn't last the fucking summer!" Gabby cursed, she did not want to be pissed right now. Sara could tell when she walked out of 4th period she wasn't happy and she didn't need this either. Wes pushed the girl away and looked at Gabby.

"No, Gabby. It's not what it looks like." He stood and reached out for her but she climbed back through the hole in the bush. Sara gave him a nasty look and followed Gabby. Sara put her hand on Gabby's back and Gabby started to sob. 

"I loved him." She said, knowing he could probably hear. Or he was making out with the slut again. Either one she didn't care.

"It's ok. I'm here." Sara said patting her back and trying to comfort her. Gabby shoved her off and turned.

"I know. But, I don't need anyone right now." She refered to that as that no one truely liked her. Everyone at school but Sara hated her. She felt alone. So she ran. She started running through the woods and kept going. She heard Sara calling her name but didn't stop, she didn't even look back. She just ran and ran.

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