Chapter 15: Test 1

Start from the beginning

How could I lose to someone that lame!? Sasuke looked like he was about to punch something.

"Actually it's kind of sweet they way they're all hugging and stuff." Naruto pointed out.

"You've gotta be kidding! They're both totally crazy!" Sakura disagreed.

"I guess they do have a great relationship," However, odd. Yukana thought.

Lee's sensei, Gai, started to assign training as punishment for Lee until Sakura mentioned that the Chunin exams were about to start which only made Gai give more training to his student. Gai noticed team seven and recognized them as Kakashi's students. I'm gonna check em out. He suddenly appeared behind the Genin, shocking them all at how fast he is and how he's better than Kakashi.

Yukana couldn't believe her eyes. He's faster than me! I need to be at that level! Dodging whisper heads would be no sweat.

"Lee, you should accompany these fine young ninja to the classroom." Gai suggested. Lee agreed and started to wrap his hands back up.

His hands. Naruto noticed they were worn and raw.

"Sasuke," Lee started, "I lied to you earlier when I said I was the best Genin here. I really want to defeat someone who is on my own team. You were just practice, but now you are a target. Consider yourself warned." He finished and leaped out of sight.

"Meh, how bout that. Looks like the Uchiha's aren't as great as everybody thinks they are." Naruto stated.

"Hey," Yukana lightly shoved Naruto's chest. "My best friend was an Uchiha."

"Sorry, Yukana, I didn't mean it like that." The blonde quickly apologized.

"Just shut up." Sasuke growled. "Next time, I'll bring him to his knees."

"Well, never mind that. Did you notice his hands when he took off the tape? He must train day in and day out. He definitely trains harder than you." Naruto pointed out. "That's all I'm sayin."

"He works hard, that's for sure." Yukana agreed.

"Fine." Sasuke grew excited. "This is starting to get interesting. Can't wait to see what's next."

The team finally made it to the 301 door where Kakashi stood, waiting. "Glad to see you all made it, especially you, Sakura." His students looked up in question. "If any of you decided not to participate, the whole team would have been disqualified."

"Why didn't you tell us that before, sensei?" Yukana inquired.

"Because, I didn't want anyone else to be pressured into taking the exams."

Yukana glanced at the pinkette. "Good move," she told Kakashi.

"We'll make you proud sensei, believe it!" Naruto shouted as the team approached the doors to the class.

"Yeah!" Yukana fist pumped the air. As soon as they entered the room, the thick tension hit them like a ton of bricks. The demon's here! Yukana immediately felt Gaara's presence as well as the eyes of every single exam participant. Man, if looks could kill there would be no demons left. A blonde girl, suddenly, jumped on Sasuke's back with an ear splitting squeal of how ecstatic she was to see him. I remember her from class, then other Genin came up to them whom Yukana recognized. There was Shikamaru: the bored one, Choji: he eats a lot, Hinata: another Hyuga, Kiba: the one with the little dog, and Shino:. . . He doesn't say much. They all started greeting each other as if no one else was in the room. Yukana started to feel a little more relaxed, but the evil presence kept her on edge.

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