Trolling Robin, Answers Revealed

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Happy New Year guys! This will be my present for you guys. Sorry for the long wait! Hehe... Honestly I was a little lazy on writing this and lost some motivation, but I didn't want this to end here yet! I already had some stuff planned. And if I decide to make a sequel, I have a good idea of how it'll go. I also spent my break with my family since they're really important to me and I don't get out a lot. I actually wanted to work on this last week, but I had to look after my cute hyperactive little cousins (which lasted for a week while they were here).

Thanks for being patient with me! I hope this chapter surpasses or meets your expectations. I kinda felt bad while writing this cause I felt it was a bit more of fillers and boring stuff. So, I tried adding some funny elements to it. (Some characters are prob ooc here for plot purposes or not.)

Okay, I'll continue my note after you read this since I don't want to keep you waiting. ON WITH THE STORY!

Btw, if I haven't been doing this...

Disclaimer: I do not own any of this magnificence characters or shows, etc. They go to their respective owners.

"Talia," Batman acknowledged. "Let us go so Robin can be treated." Talia glared at him, taking a few steps forward.

"I don't think so," she denied. "Beloved, you trespassed here with your superhero chumps, your sidekicks, and your kids and expect me to let you off that easily?" Talia looked back to Robin, who looked like he was getting worse and worse. At this rate, he would die of blood loss. She'll have to work quick.

"I'll be merciful for once," she told him. "Take everyone and leave, but leave Robin here." At this, everyone had angry looks, but they didn't openly react as Batman had his hand held up.

"I can't let you do that," he argued. "Robin needs medical help quickly. He has to come with us." Talia shook her head.

"And he shall surely die before you reach there," she snapped. "If you wish for him to live, then leave him with us. I promise no harm shall be done to him. Just the opposite. You have my word, and you know how we al Ghuls keep our words. Arguing right here and now us not helping."

Batman narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Talia gave him a smug look and she crossed her arms and tapped her fingers. It was like she was nonverbally saying tick tock.

"Head back team," Batman finally decided. In return, people gave him shocked looks. The Batman, who gets what he wants when he wants, who doesn't let other people bargain with him, was letting this woman get away with one of their teammate, friend, and his protege.

"We can't just leave him!" Kid Flash protested. "Who knows what she could do to him!"

"We're leaving," Batman ordered. "She is a person true to her words. We'll talk about this once we get back. Talia, I'll be back soon. I still have certain topics I need to speak to you about." And with a sweep of his cape, he walked off. Not far behind, the others followed, making sure to give her an evil glare. Once they were gone, she turned to the two boys on the ground.

"Bring a gurney and prep the medical supplies," she ordered to a nearby follower. "Damian, how is he?" She walked and knelt down next to Robin and Damian.

"Mother... I... cannot determine how bad his injuries are," Damian informed. "The dagger could have lacerated major organs. I do not know how bad though, sorry Mother." Talia put her hand on Damian's shoulder and gave him a nod that silently said a 'good job.' Damian nodded, his hand gripping onto Robin's cape. Not long after, the gurney came, and Robin was carefully placed onto it and taken to the medical ward they had.

"Damian, he will be fine," Talia reassured her son. "We have the necessary tools to heal him." Damian nodded, but he still observed Robin carefully, his eyes somewhat cloudy and thoughts filled his mind.

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