Visits with the Demon

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Hi guys! Long time no talk! Sorry xd I got held up with school and lost a bit of motivation. Sorry if you guys can see that as you read this. But I'm glad it's summer! It gives me more time to write this. Though I'm gonna be writing other things and doing other things. I'm wondering if I should start posting these on too. 

Anyway, thanks guys for the follows, adding to a list, votes, comments, and views. There's more than 1,600 views. That makes me very happy! I'm glad you guys enjoy this. I've said this a lot, but please be patient with updates. I will get to them, but it will take time (who knows how long :( sorry ). 

Well, I don't own Young Justice, DC, or any of the characters, but...


"Robin, hey man," Wally greeted as Robin walked into the room. "Up to a bit of Smash? No hacking the game of course." He held up his Wii U controller along with an extra one. Megan, Artemis, Conner, and Kaldur sat next to him on the couch, holding controllers of their own. Up on the television was Super Smash Bros. Conner grumbled something about how he preferred watching his favorite channel over this.

"Sure," Robin shrugged, flipping himself onto an available seat. "Prepare to be beaten Wally." Wally scoffed, starting the game. Wally decided to play as Sonic, Artemis as Zelda, Conner as Donkey Kong, Kaldur as Pikachu, Megan as Rosalina and Luma, and Robin as Wii Fit Trainer.

"You're choosing Wii Fit Trainer?" Wally laughed. "Dude, you are so going down." Robin didn't retaliate. You shouldn't underestimate your opponent, especially if said person is a sidekick to Batman. Right when it started, Wally was quick to spam the A button. The others moved away to their own spot as they had their small battles. Robin decided to go against Wally one on one.

"What- How are you beating me...AGAIN?" Wally sputtered as he started spamming even more. Robin let out his cackle as he continued to do what he was doing. Dodge, jump, attack, dodge, and repeat. Wally was making it too easy. Holding his A, he saved up his special attack and unleashed it, sending Sonic right onto the television screen.

"Burn!" Robin cackled, but he was soon confused. The others were dead already...right? He looked around to suddenly see Zelda appear next to his character and attacked, sending his character off of the screen too.

'GAME OVER! Winner, Zelda!'

"What?!" Robin's jaw fell to the ground in shock. Meanwhile, Artemis looked smug as Megan and Kaldur congratulated the archer. Wally patted his back in mock sympathy, causing Robin to remember to taunt him about winning.

"Another game!" Wally declared, starting the next round. And so, they continued, game after game. Who knows how long it was. Little did Robin know, he was about to be late.

'Ding dong' Robin looked at the time, 2:30 PM. Eyes widening, he tossed his controller on the couch and flipped towards the Zeta Beam.

"Gotta go guys. I'll catch up with you guys later!" Robin called. "Man, I'm so dead..." Whispering the last part, he ran through the tube. He did manage to hear Wally yell how he automatically wins this game though.

Young Justice: A New Bat

"Sorry I'm late!" Dick yelled, running over to the fountains. There, sat Damian with an annoyed look in his eyes. Seeing the teen running to him, his scowl deepened.

"What happened to you, Grayson?" Damian sneered. "You're too incompetent enough to arrive on time? Next time, come early so I don't have to wait." He got up from where he sat and gave Dick an evil eye before walking off. Dick sighed. He hated when Damian did that.

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