The Heroes Of Olympus : The Blood Of Olympus

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Percy never thought he would see his old friend again...  The words Clytius roared before he erupted into a pile of golden dust...It took all of you together to defeat me...  Although he knew that Clytius was just trying to drag their hope along with himself, down to an endless abyss that he never wanted to be again.  Just thinking about Tartarus made Percy feel like a fiery, steaming coal was stuck in his throat, all the guilt, misery, pain and sacrificing Bob and Damasen as they experienced eternal suffering and torment.

Percy stood up to speak " Guys if we take a direct route to Athens it will be suicide, we won't have the aid of the gods and that will make the giants invincible and right now i don't think we even have the strength to take on three giants let alone twelve so i think we need to gain alittle invincibilty too"

Percy nodded confidently " We will be going to the river styx and having a nice... dip"

Jason grimaced slightly "This will be fun"

"Refreshing" Leo gulped with fear

Suddenly the radar flared rapidly, Leo sprinted to the control panel while everyone went on deck, the splintering of wood was deafening. The entire ship tilted as the minotaur plummeted onto the deck. Its hooves planted on the cracked deck. Leo looked in despair, he had pulled an all-nighter repairing the damage extracted and inflicted by deadly monsters 

Leo's hands bursted into flames of pure rage "Main course tonight : Roast Beef" he said.

The Heroes Of Olympus : The Blood Of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now