"Nuh uh, I got it last time. Go get it Char." Henry encourages and I sigh. I get up begrudgingly and slowly walk to the door. I open it and I'm met with Jasper and Chloe.

"Hey guys!" I nearly yell and they engulf me in a group hug. We all pull apart.

"Come in." I say and step back to allow them in. They walk right inside and head to the living room as I close the door and join them a few seconds later.

"Jasper!" "Piper!" Two voices yell simultaneously in shock and distaste. I rush into the living room.

"What's going on?" I ask along with Chloe.

"Her!" "Him!" The two shout again this time glaring at each other.

"Explain." Henry says.

"She stole one of my buckets!" 

"After you destroyed my phone!"

"It was an accident! I didn't mean to! I got you a new one!"

"Yeah, my phone just somehow ended up in the sink while you were washing your hands."

"Yes it did, I told you it was in the bathroom near the sink. You never came and got it so I tried bringing it to you but I was a bit clumsy and dumb."

"Yeah you were!" Jasper and Piper start to argue which causes the puppies to start barking at them.

"Hey!" Chloe yells but they just keep going.

"Jasper!" I yell but they keep going.

"Shut the fuck up!" Henry roars and immediately it's silent. Chloe and I just grumble while Henry smirks at me then faces Jasper and Piper.

"Listen you two, make up right now. Piper he got you a new phone so give him back his bucket and accept his apology. Jasper just try to let go please." Henry says and they nod. Oh sure, everyone listens to Henry. No one wants to listen to me, that's alright I got something for them.

"Oh so y'all ain't hear me? Well ya best to hear me now, GET THE HELL OUT MY HOUSE!" I shout at everyone and they all groan and ask why.

"You know why, everyone out! You ain't gots to go home but you gots to get out! Come back when you decide you can hear me." I say while pointing to the door.

"Aww come on." "I didn't even do anything." "Stupid Jasper." Chloe, Piper and Jasper all mumble as they get up.

"Chill Char, they'll listen next time. Sit down guys." Henry says and I look at him like he's grown 2 heads. 

"Boy if you don't- ooo come talk with me in the back." I say and stomp to our bedroom. I hear Henry enter the room.

"Why you tryna run shit around here? Now everyone gone think it's your apartment and whatever you say goes when that's not the case. We share the place so when I say something they need to listen, everyone can't just be responding to you-" I rant and then when I look up I see Henry biting his lip which makes me gasp.

"No no please no not now Henry. No I'm mad don't." I plead as he slowly walks closer to me and pins me down on the bed. He digs his face into my neck and just breathes.

"Trust me, whatever you say goes. You have full control outside this bedroom and I wouldn't have it any other way, just know that in here, in this bedroom I'm in control and it's not going to be any other way unless I allow it. Okay?" Henry says and I just nod completely speechless. This is getting too hot too fast.

"Um okay, let's not keep our guests waiting come on." I say as I try to get up but Henry pushes me back down.

"They can wait." He smiles at me and I start to squirm.

"Nah I think they're bored, come on." I say trying to get up again but my attempt is futile as Henry pushes me back down and starts to kiss my neck.

"What did I just say?" Henry mutters and I don't even bother responding. I already know my voice will betray the living life out of me if I even dare try to speak right now. I feel Henry get up and pull me with him. We exit out bedroom and enter the living room. Jasper and Chloe are beaming while Piper is just wiggling her eyebrows and smiling suggestively. No one can see it but I'm blushing.

"Yeah babe, you were kinda loud." Henry whispers in my ear and I'm mortified. I was moaning!? What the hell? I didn't even notice! Shit! I cover my face and run back into our bedroom. I lock the door and just stay there and try to clam down. How do I face my friends after that? They literally just heard me moaning because of Henry, that's so fucking embarrassing. 

"Charlotte! Come on, we're gonna watch Supernatural!" Henry calls. 

"No, we're gonna watch My Little Pony!" Jasper shouts.

"Supernatural!" Chloe yells.

"My Little Pony!" Piper and Jasper yell.

"Charlotte!" They all scream my name. I sigh and get up. I walk out the room, these fools have manged to annoy me. 

"If one more person yells my name, I will choke you. We're going to watch Supernatural and that's final. If you have a problem then leave." I say while glaring at Piper and Jasper. I could see Pipes was itching to say something but she decided against it.

"No fair." They both mumble.

"You know, for two people who hate each other you guys sure do seem like you'd be best friends." Chloe points out to them. Jasper glares at her and Piper mocks her.

I move in front of the couch to sit on the floor but Henry grabs my waist and pulls me to sit on his lap. He kisses the back of my neck and plays Supernatural.

"You ma baby." Henry says and I giggle.

"Stop it, you'll make it awkward for everyone else." I say as I try to get up but this man here is strong for no reason.

"Oh no, you're fine. I love when you guys are all cutesy. It's cute." Piper says and sighs happily. 

"Well I don't like it." Chloe says and rolls her eyes. I thump her on her forehead and he pouts causing all of us to laugh.

"I hope you guys don't mind, I ordered Chinese food for us and it should be here any minute." Piper voices and literally someone knocks on the door two seconds later. 

"Pipes get the door! Did you pay already?" I speak.

"Yeah, don't even think of paying me back." Piper calls as she goes to the door and opens it. Sometime later she hands us all some food containers and sits down giddily.

"Pause." I say and Henry pauses the episode.

"What happened at the door?" I ask Piper and we all turn to focus on her.

"Well, there was a really cute delivery guy. He was so shy though but I gave him my number and he said I can call him anytime I want food and he'll personally deliver." Piper says with a smile.

"Oo girl yes, if a guy offers to get you food that man is good." I say and Chloe nods in agreement.

"If you ever get fat he can't be mad because he did it to you." Chloe says and I nod in agreement. Piper just smiles and I feel air on my neck.

"Piper, if this guy even does one thing wrong you tell me." Henry says menacingly and Piper just nods with a little bit of fear in her eyes. 

"I'll beat him if he tries anything." Henry mutters and Jasper nods in agreement. Ugh guys, always want to fight. After that, we all continue to watch Supernatural while eating that good good Chinese food. 

"Thanks Piper." We all say, then look at each other weirdly.

"Yes! I finally did it! Now we're all besties." Jasper says cheerfully causing all of us to groan and Chloe to giggle.

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