Chapter 1: Unknown Echoes

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          It's an ordinary summer day. You walk the streets, lazily glancing at the monsters and humans that pass. Music blares in your ears. Normally, this many beings would cause your anxiety to spike, but music calms you down significantly. You can't go anywhere without it unless there are no people. You turn off of the main path into a narrow, broken one. You let your feet trace the familiar path until you reach your destination: a flower field with a trees and a rock next to a river. Almost every day, you come here to draw. You pull yourself onto he rock and sit down as you pull out your pencil, eraser, and portable pencil sharpener. You let your hands do as they please, and, hours later, finish. You scowl in confusion. The picture is of a smiling, forever-blushing person with jaw-length hair and a mischievous smile. 'I don't even know who this is. Why do I keep drawing them?' You ask yourself. You give a huff of annoyance as you flip to the front of the book. 'How many times is it now? How many times have I drawn that person?' You ask. You open to the page again and count only three blank pages until the book is finished. 'At least two books...' You conclude.l

          Your whole life, you've drawn pictures of the same person, never knowing who they are or were. You put everything back in your backpack and sigh as you start leaving. You pause to look at the sunset. Burnt orange mixes with amethyst purple as pastel pink and lavender battle for the clouds. You continue down the old path, admiring the faint orange light as it reflects off of the emerald green leaves of the trees enveloping the path. You exit the path and back onto the Main Street. It's a lot less crowded now. Hoping you're not too late, you stop at "Sugar Rush Candy Shop", the one candy shop in your neighborhood. You smile. You're not too late after all. You open the door and are hot with a blast of cool air and the intoxicating scent of sugary goods. You head down the second to last isle on the right. The chocolate isle. You pick up a chocolate bar as big as your arm. Red bubbly letters forming the words "Sugar Rush" are seen on the silver wrapper. You walk to the counter and put the chocolate bar down before as you reach for your pocket with your free hand. The lady at the counter shakes her head, smiling brightly. You pause your music, confused. "This is your 100th chocolate bar. It's on the house." She says. "Thank you." You say as you play your music again and take the chocolate bar. This wasn't the first time you'd gotten a free chocolate bar. It'd happened about three times before. You moved into town a year ago. It's called Darnell Town, and it resides next to Mount Ebott.

          The history behind the two is some you found fascinating. The mountain was given the name of the person who first climbed it. However, the town wasn't founded until about ten years later. The town was founded by a man named William Darnell, and took his last name to remember him. William died less than a year later when the town only had about twenty people. The circumstances are strange. Some say he lost a child anywhere from a few days to a few months before he died. They think that William died climbing the mountain in search of his lost child. However, it was winter, and William got caught in a blizzard that appeared out of nowhere. He froze to death before anyone found him. Over the course of eleven years, eight more children from the town went missing, and only one returned. Their name was Frisk. They brought all of the monsters with them and one human girl. They both stayed with an anthropomorphic goat monster named Toriel, and fought for the equality of monsters and people together. To the monsters, they were heroes. To the humans, they were insane.

           How you would've loved to meet them, had they not drowned saving a single human child. Monsters everywhere mourned the deaths of their heroes while many people rejoiced. The child's mother, Elouise Mallory, was so touched by the actions of Frisk and their companion that they paid their monster family a visit as a "thank you". Easily, they befriended each and every monster Frisk and their friend had, and began fighting, suddenly realizing what the two children who'd saved her child were really fighting for. The pair was fighting for their family, the same family that meant so much to both of them. Helen Tyler opposed her. Most of humanity admires her for trying to keep the monsters away from humans. You? Well, you hate her. You don't believe that monsters can be all that bad, considering everything humanity has done.

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