I cough in an attempt to get his attention. Austin's eyes snap back to mine instantly. This time though he's sporting a light blush on his own cheeks. I want to laugh at how young he looks at that very moment, like he's just been caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar before dinner. Playful Austin is my favorite.

Austin quickly dismembers his shirt and throws it in my direction. I catch it and raise an eyebrow at him using all my will power to not droll over his gorgeous upper body. This boy should be a Hollister model. Actually they should pass a law that he can't wear a shirt, yeah that would be nice.

"Can't have ya out there dressed like that can we?" Austin smirks playfully.

I smile in thanks and throw the shirt on over the head. 

"Darn Tiffany and Brittney just loved the attention." I wink at him.

I watch as Austin's eyes dip down from my eye level slightly but snap back up quickly.

"Tiffany and Brittney huh?" He asks shaking his head with a playful smile on his lips.

"I'm kidding but seriously thank you." I smile at him.

"I'm pretty sure James would have a heart attack, actually I'm sure someone else would seeing as he's out with that whore again." I mutter to myself bitterly.

Austin nods in understanding a small frown covering his beautiful face.

"So what are you doing over here? Don't you have a lot of work to be done at Sky Ranch?" I ask trying to keep conversation.

Talking to Austin is one of my guilty pleasures. He's just too nice to push away.

"Ehh ever since old man Jackson passed I been helping out round here when I can." He explains leaning against the wall of the barn.

"Wow that pretty generous of you." I comment and then add "but who watches over Sky Ranch I doubt J can handle it all by himself."

Austin's smile widens at the mention of his son.

"Nah I only get Jessie on Saturdays. Plus I got folks who work for me." Austin explains.

"Oh. Wow that’s pretty cool. I have some people who work for me back home too." I share excited we have something in common.

I exclude that I provide work for over a thousand people nationwide because Austin looks proud of his ranch.

"Oh don't try to make it seem like some little ditty. We all know your a big woman in that city of yours. That's why all them woman here treat you so nasty. They ain't never gonna be more than house wives." 

Even though Austin’s words are meant to make me feel good because of my accomplishments it still makes me sad. As a woman of this generation I can never imagine just being a house wife whereas for these woman it's the most common and practiced thing. I bet woman who even leave in search of their dream are probably even looked down upon and it kills me.

"Woman here shouldn't care so much what the men think." I state quietly.

Austin nods and we stay in a confortable silence for a while. 

"So how'd you get yourself in that situation?" Austin asks quirking an eyebrow.

"Whoa situation big word for you huh buddy?" I tease winking.

He shakes his head at me still smiling thankfully.

"I have orders to pretty much run this damn farm and I was supposed to be milking the cow but it wouldn't cooperate. First I tried to speak to it but then I think it got offended at being called a cow to I named it Mary-Lou but she still wouldn't work with me. I almost started to moo at her to get her to do it" I explain laughing at myself.

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