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The year wasn't bad just I was...

First day wasn't sooo bad I mean I was the new girl a loner... ok maybe it was REALLY BAD now that I remebered. I tried to find some of the girls I met in the apartments. I remebered when I came to the apartments this girl named "Dulce" (My Best friend right now) right away asked me if I wanted to be her best friend, as I had told you I was really shy, so I was mumbling a very quite but shy "ok". OK so I tried to find them, I did.. I mean it wasn't a humongous school. They were in a circle laughing and really suspicious. When I went over there they introduced me to "Alexia" (My Best friend right now), also other girls. Not to be mean, but I thought she was one of those nerd people know-it-all. SHE WASNT FOR SURE. I needed to go to the redtroom............. 😳😳😳😳😳............... I ACCEDENTALLY went in the boys restroom....... 😧😧 😵😵😵😵 😳😳😳😳😳😳 😭😭. I WAS NEVER SO EMBERASSED IN MY LIFE.... I MEAN NOBODY WATCHED???? RIGHT!?!?!?!?! The next day wasn't as bad I met "nerubie" (an old friend right now) I would hang out her Janine and SOMETIMES "Vianey" Janine and Nerubie WHERE my bff's back then.  Also good thing Dulce was in my class. I mean weren't we friends or bffs. I entered the boys restroom again 😳😳😳😵😵😵. Anything more embarrassing... oh wait I rember one time we were going to ELD, I had went to the wrong class... when they didn't call my name I asked if I could leave she said yes. I went crying to the restroom.. making myself a river. In the redtroom. I also met this really awesome girl named "Bethany" s
She is really cool I also hung out with her.  I rember Vianey got pissed a t me because I had gotten student of the year. She was like the teacher said it isn't sure and that it wasn't me. I was like they called my mom. Someone was jelouse Dulce and I had gotten into a huge fight. It went like this... Ok so you know Janine she had bought some bff necklaces and had given one to Dulce and herself. Then Janine wanted to give it to me, but she only had 2. She wanted to take Dulce's necklace away and give it to me. Dulce started to cry and she got sooo pissed, she threw the necklace to the ground and said "HERE'S YOUR NECKLACE!!!!!" She started to cry soo bad. Since I was new I didn't really know her, so I didn't really care. She didn't talk to me or looked at me, but like I had said I didn't hang out with her. Also I got into another fight with her.... I don't want to be mean, but she was a crybaby. I had overheard Alexia and my other friend "Marisol" tell her (since they had a party) "Omg I think I'm going to take Dulce's candy bag so she won't get fat." I was like what a bitch, so I told Dulce but since she didn't know me and she knew Alexia more she believed her. I didn't really care because she was going to suffer not me. I also remeber one time my crush (fortunately he liked me😶😶😛) was following me and my friend Nerubie... I went to the yard duty and then went to the jungle gim. I don't know how to spell BTW. That's was kind of the exciting parts of my 3rd grade year.😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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