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your POV

I shielded my eyes with my hands as we drove down the golden bridge. I couldn't believe it. After six years I was finally returning to my first home.
And I was going to see them again.

I put on my sunglasses and black baseball cap, doing my best to disguise myself; I didn't want too much attention drawn to me. Soon we pulled up in front of the very house I had left: Maleficent's. Seeing the place brought back so many memories, from starting school to my first kiss.
My first kiss. The kiss I shared with Jay before leaving. A kiss I held dear to my heart.
Jay. I was finally going to see him again. I was scared and excited. What if he didn't recognize me? Or worse! What if he didn't care anymore? I had spent the last six years thinking of him, not knowing if he even remembered my name.
No, don't think like that, I told myself.
I got out of the passenger seat of the limo and stood to the side. That's when i saw them. By them of course, I mean Evie, Carlos and Jay.
For a moment we all just stood there, staring. Evie was so tall now, and even prettier than before. Carlos still looked like a little brother. Jay had gotten so much more muscular than before. I have to admit he was even more attractive than I remember.
"Oh my gosh, y/n is that you?" Evie exclaimed, running to me, then embracing me in a hug.
"I've missed you," I said with a laugh as Carlos came and hugged me.
Jay walked up behind us as I let go of Carlos. He didn't do anything, just stood there looking at me with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face. Then he smirked.
"Welcome back," he said, giving me a playful punch in the arm.
"Where's Mal?" I asked as I hugged him.
"She's upstairs, talking with her mom," he said.
Then we pulled away, and he was staring at me with that look again.

Soon, Mal came. We exchanged 'hello's and 'good to see you's before the four of them said goodbye to their parents and we drove off.
On the way to Auradon, Carlos and Jay were nonstop fighting over the candies and electronics in the vehicle. I rolled my eyes, remembering how immature they've both always been. However, I was surprised that the four of them had become friends.
"It's a trap!" Someone yelled. I looked through the little window and saw that we were about to cross the water between the Isle and Auradon. I laughed.
"There's a bridge, guys," I said shaking my head with a smile. They all seemed relieved and started playing with buttons.
A few minutes later Mal asked me, "So? Did you keep your promise? Or are you one of them now."
"Well, honestly, I faked being good for awhile, but then it started to feel real. I mean, I know I'm not white as snow (Evie rolled her eyes at this). I still have a lot of bad in me, don't get me wrong. I've just, sort of, well, opened up a little more, ya know? Became more open minded to being good. I don't think I'll ever reach full, well, goodness if you know what I mean," I told her truthfully. Mal nodded her head in understanding.
"What about a prince? Did you did one?" Evie asked, probably imagining one of her own. I smiled, and Jay raised an eyebrow at me.
"Did you?" He asked.
"No," I laughed a little. "There's a lot of cute guys in Auradon but..." I trailed off, unsure if how to finish without giving it away.
"But?" Said Mal.
"I just... Haven't found the right one for me."
We felt the limo slow down.
"This is our stop," I said with a grin.


A/N hi guys! Here's part two :) I hope you're enjoying it so far. If you like it please vote, comment and share! Thank you :) and sorry, I know there's not much romance yet, but once we're more into the story there will be, I promise ;)

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