Chapter 11 - Louis

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• Louis •

"Louis. . ."

I had hidden somewhere in the house. I didn't know what room I was in, but I was underneath a bed. The Dark Angel was getting closer and my heart starts to pump in my ears. I'm holding my breath, in desperation that he won't find me that way. Or at all.

"I don't want to hurt you." His voice sounds plead-like, but I was smart enough not to fall into his game.

Suddenly, my foot was being yanked from under the bed, revealing where I was hidden. The Demon picks me up bridal style and into another unknown room. I struggle until he finally lays me on the floor.

"I found you." He smiles sweetly; no hint of harm visable. "I missed you." And I don't know why, but I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be.

Then he reaches for my pants.

"Louis, please. Say something."

The scene that kept replaying in my head a million times seems to fade to black then I start to see a worried Angel over me. His eyebrows furrowed, his eyes lingering over my face before slowly leaning down to kiss my forehead. I didn't flinch.

"It'll be okay." Harry mumbles into my forehead, leaving another kiss. It wasn't though. I was now aware that I could see sounds. Maybe it was my eyes playing tricks on me but it was freaking me out even more, if that were possible. "Louis, breathe with me." I was also aware that my air was stuck in my throat. "One." He took a deep breath in and only a few seconds later, I copy his action. "Good. Two." He repeats his breathing and I still do the same, calming down a bit. He kisses my forehead before looking into my eyes. "We'll get through this together, I promise."

And, like always, I believe him.

I nod softly to his comment and turn my head to look at the, now broken, clock.

"Don't mind that," He tells me, looking in the direction of my eyes. "You don't need to worry about much sleep you're getting. I broke it after you fell asleep in the shower."

Last nights blur came back to me. I remember Harry helping me into the shower. I remember Harry washing my hair through my protests. I told him I would do it myself, but let him continue when he didn't stop. I remember him asking if it was okay to wash below the belt. I told him that I trusted him. Trust him. I remember almost falling over half asleep three times: one with him washing my hair; one with him hugging me when I started to cry; one while he was washing-and massaging-my back. I remember him washing the body wash off me when I blacked out. I remember falling asleep in his arms. And lastly, I remember my memory.

"Come on, Louis." I felt his weight over my fragile frame. I struggle to get up, officially failing as he pins my arms to each side. "You'll like this." He starts kissing my neck with a gentle touch, savoring the moment.

I was being shaken back into reality when I heard Harry's shallow puffs of air. I was on the floor now, Harry hovering over me; however, he wasn't touching anything except the crease of my wrists.

"Anything." Harry begs, looking further into my eyes. "Say anything, Louis. Please."

"Why are you on me?" I whisper, realizing how cracked my voice was.

I scream as loud as I can, occasionally screaming Harry's name for help. My voice starts fading slowly but surely until it was barely a whisper.

Harry was crying into my chest, still on top. His body was shaking and I felt my heart drop.

"Please don't cry."

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