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Greece and Turkey walked up to Romania's doorstep. Turkey knocked a few times and Romania answered quickly. The blonde looked a little exhausted himself, but due to the amount of paper work on his table when they walked in it was clear that he was just a little busy.
"So, Romania, Greece has been having problems sleeping recently and you're just the guy he needs. I'll pay this time." Turkey was began sweet talking him into doing it, but while he did that Greece walked around Romania's house. He'd been in there before, but Romania often rearranged his place. Greece found himself in front of Romania's artifact shelf. He stared at it, wondering where he'd gotten all these things from. He then noticed an Ancient Greek pot. He picked it up and noticed that there were even more of his mother's things inside. He wondered how it got there and decided to ask Romania.
"I already said I'd do it. I just need a small collection of his things to do it. They'll help him remember everything. His dreams, discarded memories, everything. Unfortunately I don't know how to make him stop having them, but if he can remember the source then he'll be fine. But I can't make him remember everything all at once, not even Russia could handle that." He glanced over to Greece who was looking at the artifacts that he had collected over the years.
"Well, I know that his childhood wasn't the best, do you think there's a way to keep those memories hidden?"
"And if it's those memories that are causing the problems?" Romania glared at Turkey, "he needs everything. If he ends up with too little sleep, he'll die, and if the nightmares become too severe he'll... Well, it ranges from person to person, I'm sure he'd end up hysterical. He's a good guy and we don't want to ruin that."
Greece walked over with a pot, "why do you have this?"
"I found that when I was touring in your country, why?"
"First off, that's stealing; second, that's not yours, it's mine. My mother made this for me, along with everything in it." He glared at Romania, a little upset that something so dear to him had been taken. He was unable to see any emotion in his eyes, just like Turkey.
"I can cast a spell that'll help you get through these nightmares. I'm gonna need those though."
Greece reluctantly handed it over, "I want it back though."
"You will, in fact, every day I want you to touch one of these, and after the last one's been excavated, you'll be able to overcome your nightmares. But this isn't guaranteed to work, so, be careful ok?"
Greece nodded in agreement.

"Dad? What... Why did you kill mamma?" The small child asked. He held his brother tight as he could without hurting him.
Rome stared at Greece, blood dripping of of his clothes and hands. He couldn't respond to his son, but he knew that he would never be forgiven for this. How could he? He just killed his wife, the mother of two of his kids, the woman he had pawned after for two hundred years. He smiled at his son, "If you tell anyone about this, I will see to it that you die and your brother suffers for the rest of his life. Ok kiddo?"
Greece stared at his father in disbelief, Rome wanted to keep this a secret? Why? How could anyone keep this a secret? None the less, the terrified young nation managed to chirp out a simple, "ok"
Rome smiled, "good. " he stabbed the woman one more time then tossed the knife, "put Romano back in bed, you're gonna clean this mess up." He walked out of the room headed off to go outside and wash himself up in the nearby creek.
Greece gently put Romano back to bed and got out a washcloth and a bucket. He went outside to get some water then came back in. He began to scrub down on the floors, careful so as not to get covered in blood himself. He couldn't help but cry as he worked, Rome loved Greece's mom more than anything, what would drive him to such lengths?
After a few hours, he cleaned up everything, all he needed to do was move his mother. He didn't want to touch her.
Rome walked in, his mood seemingly improved, but it was obvious that he was drunk, "Heyyyyyy kiddo, how's your mom? Oh wait, she's dead." He giggled a bit, "but in all seriousness kid, go, just go take your brother, I'll handle your mom from here."
Greece walked past his father towards Romano's room. He picked him up and walked back to check on Rome.
Rome was sitting watching the corpse, "you know Greece, I didn't want to kill her, but my boss said that if I didn't then he'd kill you, France, Romano, and Italy. I couldn't let my son's die, so I figured that it wouldn't be too hard to kill her. You understand, right?" He glanced over to Greece will a hollow and sorrowful expression.
Greece stood next to Rome, a little scared and confused, "France and Italy?"
"You're half brothers, their mother Gaul died a not that long ago. You're the oldest by the way. " he patted on a spot on the floor next to him, "sit."
He obeyed, sitting down next to his father, "how old are they?"
"France is a year or two younger than you, and Italy is nine months younger than Romano."
Greece stared at Romano, "were you married to Gaul?"
"Ew no. She was just an occasional fuck buddy. She was way too full of herself and after she had France she was obsessed with me. She was lucky that I gave her the chance to have Italy." He smiled at Greece, "but now she and your mom are dead, and all I have to show for it is a kid I traumatized and his three brothers."
     "I'll be fine, you had no choice but to kill her. Romano and Italy are too young to die... By the way, who's taking care of France and Italy? I'm not even old enough to take care of myself, and they're younger than I am."
     "Uncle Germania and his boys. Aunt Aestii seems to like them." He sighed and stood up, "I'm gonna go burry her, you can clean up after I move her, right?"

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