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I sat at a bistro table in Johnny's coffee shop sipping a piping hot Mocha. It was ten minutes until noon and Adam still wasn't here. I had little hope of him actually showing up, i decided when i was done with my drink that was when i would leave.

I tapped on the table and instictively looked down at my watch "Five more minutes.." I mumbled. As i mumbled that a man sprinted through the door and the little bell hanging above it ripped off and fell onto the floor with a clank.

The women behind the counter angrily stormed over and picked the bell up. That man was Adam.

I felt my stomach churn as he strolled over to my table. "Hey" He said casually.

"Hey" I replyed back.

I looked up from my coffee cup and saw he was staring at me intently. I bit my lip and he squirmed in his seat slightly. "Look i don't know what happened but i apologize for whatever i did"

He folded his hands on the table as he mindlessly chewed on his lip ring, his brows were furrowed in thought and his thumb kept brushing his knuckles in a nervous way.

I proped my chin on my palm and stared at him.

"Not good enough" I breathed. I brought the coffee to my lips as his eyes widened and his mouth formed a straight line. 

"what do you want from me?! I said i'm sorry! What did i even do?"

I cleared my throat and stared at him straight in the eye. "You almost raped me"

He stopped brushing his knuckles and his mouth slightly opened "I did what?"

"You heard me" I took another sip as i looked around the shop.

"Look i'm sorry, what can i do to make it up to you?"

For one, this was the weirdest conversation i've ever had. This man almost raped me last night and i'm thinking about forgiving him. Well he was drunk..that doesn't mean anyrhing though.

He let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair.

I stared at the floor blankly 'Dinner"

"Dinner?" He repeated.

I finally looked up at him "Yes, Dinner"

He cocked an eyebrow as if to say'explain?'

"Take me to dinner you idiot" 

He blushed and i smiled, he looked a bit vulnarable for once. He cleared his throat and stuttered "F-Fine, i'll take you to dinner, how about tommorow night?"

I nodded and sipped my coffee "Sounds like a plan" I smiled up at him and he averted his eyes away from mine.

I Love you just a little to much.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя