:Chapter 12

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George's POV

Matty has been acting strange ever since we got to Paris. At first I put it down to him missing Chloe, but now I wasn't too sure. I needed to talk to her. Matty had barely even left the studio from the second we arrived. I knew that although it was good for the band, to write more songs, it wasn't good for Matty. When he spent too long in the same space, doing the same thing, he turned to drugs. Mainly coke. Obviously cocaine isn't good for anyone, but when Matty used it, he turned into some sort of sex craving monster, he went looking for it everywhere.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone, I could tell I had woken her.

"Erm, hi, how are you?" I asked trying to pussyfoot around the topic as much as possible.

"I'm good, is everything okay?"

I inhaled, before exhaling deeply. I begun.

"It's Matty"

I could tell once I had told her that she really didn't know what to say. I couldn't blame her mind. She sounded worried about him, and I was too. Maybe if she spoke to him, then it might help him.


Matty's POV

We had been in Paris for 2 weeks now. Ever since I got here I missed Chloe. It didn't help that we had argued so much within the last few weeks of me being away. I had spent the last two weeks, from the minute I stepped off the plane, in the studio. Writing. It was my only escape.

Chloe had tried to call me several times, none of which I had answered. I couldn't bring myself to talk to her. Ever since she told me about her friend, I've not wanted to ask her out, and the only reason being is how scared I am to loose her. Wow Matty, how lame. Scared to loose something that isn't even yours.

I have dabbled in a few drugs in the last couple weeks. Mainly cocaine. I had had troubles with it in the past, I was once hospitalised because of the drug. But there was something about it, that no matter how bad it made me, it left me crazing more and more. Kind of like Chloe. I don't really think the boys minded what I was doing, they all did drugs from time to time anyway, they'd be hypocritical to judge me on this matter. This time had aided in helping me write some of the best lyrics I have probably ever written. And I guess that was all that mattered.


Chloe's POV

"Hi" I answered the phone groggily. The caller was George, and at first I was reluctant to answer because of the pranks they've all pulled on me since being away. Ross told me once that they documented it a few times, they liked to film the bands journey, and just random things that they were doing.

George's response worried me. "It's Matty". What had happened? Was he okay? Before I could ask George any of these questions, he continued. "Ever since we've been away he hasn't left the studio, and when he does come back to the hotel, he's drunk, and were all scared that he's been using. He's had a coke addiction before, he had to go to hospital, and I'm scared it might happen again." I immediately begun to sob, knowing that this was presumably my fault.

"It's all my fault" I muttered, almost inaudible. "How is it?" George asked, and I began to sob some more. "The day after you left for Paris, Matty and I spoke, and he thought I was in a mood with him, but I was just feeling down about my friend. And he wouldn't believe me, so he just ended the call. Every time we've spoken since, nothing has been the same, conversation has been sparse, and when we do talk, it's just to see if the other is okay, and to be honest I think Matty has just been trying to find excuses not to talk to me" I exhaled deeply, kind of relieved that I could get this off my chest. I felt so guilty. George paused for a while before giving his reply.

"I know you're probably going to hate me for saying this, but I know what Matty's like he's just scared to get too attached, and I know how worried he gets about you Chloe, and I understand that it may be annoying, but I know how much he cares, he really cares. Come see him." I tried to protest, but before I could get a reply out, George cut me off and continued what he was saying.

"Come see him, even if it's just for the night, I'll pay for you're flights, I think you're just what he needs right now" George's voice was calm, but convinced me, maybe it was what Matty needed.

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