Daxton didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. He understood his brother and his plea but, Daxton couldn't grant it. "I need to protect you," he whispered.

Cameron scoffed. "You just enjoy the control. Admit it."

Daxton scoffed in return. "You think I enjoy babying an adult and being in charge of all your decisions? Cameron you're my brother, not my child and not a client. I want to just be your brother but, I can't. One of us has to be the strong one who makes the tough decisions."

"No!" yelled Cameron. "One of us doesn't need to! Why won't you just let us be in control of our own lives. I don't need you to protect me."

"You're not strong enough," argued Daxton. His brother just didn't understand. He didn't know what evil was out there. He wouldn't know how to handle it. He couldn't even be in the same room with a bottle of beer without losing it. Why couldn't his brother understand?

"That's rich coming from you."

"What?" he asked.

Cameron smirked up at him. "I said, that's rich coming from you. You're saying that I'm not strong enough but look at you." To prove his point, he threw his hands towards Daxton with pursed lips.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Please," he mused. "You talk about being stronger than me, yet you can't even go out their and claim the woman you want."

Daxton froze. How'd the tables turn so suddenly? "You don't know what you're talking about?" he mumbled.

"Don't play dumb. I see the way you and Mikayla are around each other. You're not subtle. We all see it. You're crazy about her but, rather than doing something about it, you're playing ignorant. You always do. You're stringing her along Daxton. You've got her hiding in this massive house thinking about a future with you that she'll never have. You want to know why? Because you're too chicken shit to do anything about it. You're too afraid for the world to see that this was all a hoax and rather, you're the one in love with her. You're afraid of what they'll say about you."

"You're wrong," he choked out. "I don't care what they think."

"Then why keep pretending?" yelled Cameron. "You're the one who'd rather be in my place instead, you'd sit on the side watching me kiss her. Why the hell would you put yourself through all that if not because you're scared?"

"You're right!" he yelled angrily. He could feel his chest tighten. "I'm scared but not for the reasons you've said."

"Then why?"

"For you, you idiot! This is all to fix your reputation."

Cameron scoffed. "Who gives a damn about my reputation? I don't. What good am I to my fans if who they think I am is based on orchestrations?"

"You don't understand." Daxton fell into his seat. Hopelessness drifted off him like skunk stench.

"Explain it," whispered Cameron.

"If we lose everything, we lose more than money. We could lose our lives." Something in the desperate push of his words finally made Cameron see the severity of it all. Daxton was scared. He was fearful of losing everything. Cameron was beginning to understand.

"There aren't many things you're afraid of big brother. There's only one thing that turns you as pale as you are now." Daxton nodded. Cameron didn't need to say the words. Neither did Daxton. It was obvious.

"What are you hiding from me?" Cameron's words were small. When Daxton looked up at him, he saw the same scared little boy from all those years ago. He hated how just the thought of them brought his brother to his knees.

"I'm not telling."

Cameron shot up in a second. "Tell me about my damn parents Daxton!"

Daxton shot up towards his brother. Cameron's eyes were bloodshot and filling rapidly with tears. His hands shook as they ran through his white feathered hair. Daxton's heart continued to break.

"What's going on in here?"

The brothers shot around quickly. In the entrance of the doorway stood Mikayla. Her expression showed her confusion but there was no hiding what her tight-lipped mouth showed. "How long have you been there?" asked Daxton with a gulp.

"Long enough."

Daxton's hands shook. His day continued to spiral. 

Quick questions:

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Quick questions:

1) Comment on this part and tell me about your New Years' plans.

2) Comment on this sentence and tell me what country you're from. I'm curious as to how diverse my readers are.

3) Comment the name of your favorite character in this story.

Just a quick message:

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know 2020 hasn't been a year most of us want to remember. I know there have been challenges. We've had to adapt to a new way of living while dealing with an overload of anxiety about the massive what if's. I just want to say to you all that it's okay not to feel excited about 2021. It's okay to feel sad and confused. Some of us are mourning lives and it's okay to feel overwhelmed by it all. But, one thing I do want you to be happy about is that you survived. It's been a year we never thought we'd face and yet, you made it through despite it all. You can do again in 2021. 

Stay strong out there. Be safe. Be kind and BE POSITIVE. I'm here if there's anyone who just needs someone to talk to. 

Goodbye 2020. 

In the middle of it all.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя