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Chapter Three

"she was talking to him" Cameron spoke as we ate dinner "Oh so sorry, do I have to be friendless like you are?" I rolled my eyes "She has a point" Brody laughed "we aren't suppose to get close to people though. That's Jacob's rule" Cameron protested "that doesn't stop you getting a new girlfriend every place we've been" I snapped at him.

"Did you get the job Brody?" Jacob changed the subject before Cameron and I got into one of our infamous arguments. "Yeah, start tomorrow" Brody nodded. "We are getting on track then" Jacob sighed with relief.

"You need to chill bro, you don't have to be paranoid all the time" Cameron commented "oh have I to be like you then? Not care at all about the consequences of my actions?" Jacob snapped then got up from the table.

"Did you really have to say that?" I sighed and asked Cameron. "Always my fault right? I'm not hungry" Cameron snapped as well then also got up from the table leaving me and Brody.

"Pass the salt please?" Brody asked ignoring everything that just happened.

This family is so dysfunctional. It needs to be sorted out before someone does something stupid.

"We need to fix this Brody" I told him "there's nothing we can do. We just need to let them work it out by themselves" he told me "stay out of it Casey"

That was me told.

"I'm going out" Cameron came back out his room with a jacket "you don't know anywhere round here" Brody replied "anywhere is better than this prison cell" Cameron snapped slamming the door behind him.

Either of us got up to get him, there was no point. When Cameron does something there was no stopping him. He was stubborn that way.

"It's just going to take time to get used too. It always is when we first start off" Brody tried to reassure me.

I knew it was different this time. Everyone seemed to be having enough of moving around and being constantly in danger and now we are all taking it out on each other which is more danger than anything.

We couldn't afford to be fighting amongst ourselves.


"What you doing here?" I asked in shock when I seen Adam standing  in my driveway when I came out the house. "Thought you could use the company going to school" he said casually shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing. "Thanks how nice of you" I smiled.

Before anything else could be said, Cameron came storming out the house.

Him and Jacob were still fighting after last night, the tension in the house could be cut with a knife. I hated it.

Cameron didn't say anything just continued ahead without a single glance.

"Bad morning?" Adam asked as we watched Cameron march on. "Bad week" I corrected with a sigh.

"I've never moved house, must be exhausting for you" Adam didn't push for a reason why it had been a bad week which I was grateful for. "It really is. Having to get everything to feel like home again" I agreed "we move around that often that sometimes I don't even unpack everything"

There was truth in that. I have unpacked boxed under my bed because I know we will have to move soon again hopefully not but it was still a threat there.

"So Adam, what do you do for fun?" I wanted to make the conversation less about me as we walked "I play football, I play guitar. You know typical boy stuff" he chuckled "I've always wanted to learn the guitar, I just haven't found the time" I laughed "well Casey Ryder, you've found yourself a guitar teacher. Just call me Mr Monroe" he winked at me. "In your dreams" I laughed then smirked "already is in my dream, you could make it a reality" he flirted.

I've never actually let myself have a friendly flirty relationship with any boy. It felt nice being noticed, especially when I spend most of my time trying to not get noticed unlike Cameron who lives for the attention.

We walked along a bit then stopped at a red beaten up mustang.

"Thought you said you were here to give me company to walk to school?" I questioned raising my eyebrow at him. "I lied, I'm still trying to be smooth here. Is it working?" he laughed unlocking the car and opening my door for me. "After you"

It defiantly was nice being noticed.

"Very smooth" I laughed getting into the car "I do try"  he replied before getting in himself.


"So?" Katie grinned "just tell us everything. You've been so quiet about it all day" Clara grinned also.

Over the week Clara has came out her shell more. It felt good being openly accepted into a friend group.

"He just gave me a ride to school" I shrugged "the only girl that's ever been in that mustang is Katie" Rebecca jumped in. "That's true" Clara nodded in agreement "he must like you, he doesn't really talk to the girls round here either let alone give them rides to school" Katie joined in.

"Guys I've been here a week, I don't think he likes me the way youse are thinking" I laughed "Casey you aren't understanding the seriousness of this. Adam Monroe has a crush on you" Clara grinned excitedly. "Which is a good thing, he is the hotter one of him and Jake" Rebecca laughed. "They look alike, they're twins" Clara looked at her best friend like she was stupid. "You can tell the difference though" Rebecca argued her point.

"Can we please stop talking about this?" I groaned from embarrassment. "You're acting like you've never had a crush Casey" Rebecca laughed.

There was an awkward pause.

I didn't want the girls to know I've never even kissed a boy never mind had crush on one. I've never had time to get to know a boy long enough for that.

It was different with Adam though, as cliche as that may sound, there was an automatic connection I've never felt with anyone else.

"Please don't judge me" I winced hoping they wouldn't make a big deal of it. "That's so cute" Katie was the first to say something "you're waiting for the right guy, I wish I did that" Rebecca sighed "Adam Monroe is defiantly the right guy, Casey" Clara nodded "he's a nice guy"

"Whose a nice guy?"

Speaking of the devil. And his brother.

"No one" Katie grinned "no one in particular" Rebecca said at the same time. "You two are weird" Jake commented. "You ready to go Casey?" Adam asked me "yup" I nodded grabbing my bag from the bench.

As Adam had brought me to school this morning, he had offered to take me home as well. I wasn't exactly going to turn down the offer.

"Well you kids have fun" Rebecca smirked. "Remember it's a small town" Clara grinned "we find out everything" Katie continued on.

"I'm only dropping her off, stop with your ideas" Adam rolled his eyes at the girls.

"You're letting a girl in the mustang?" Jake looked gobsmacked at his brother. 

The girls were right when they said no girl had been in the car. Even his brother was shocked.

What does that mean though? It was all friendly banter wasn't it?

"I'm not even allowed in the mustang" Jake protested when Adam never said anything.

Defiantly means something more if I'm allowed in the car when his brother isn't.

"Laters J" Adam patted his brother's back ignoring what he had previous said. "Casey coming?"

I nodded.

"Bye Case" Rebecca smirked and waved as did the others.

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