Chapter 14

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HEY, GUYS! So, Elena (in the story) is at a royal convention so we won't be in Elena's POV until she returns. For now, we will use Isabel's POV! Hope you enjoy the chapter! :D

The last bell rang meaning it was time for dismissal. "Because your graduation is this Friday. There will be no homework also no more school" Headmaster Flora announced through the speaker. Everyone cheered and started to leave the classroom except for me and Amber. "Great, I could go dress shopping for the celebration ball and graduation, but I am stuck with you" She said rolling her eyes. "Amber, I said I was sorry" I said in a soft tone. "SORRY? That's all you can say"? She yelled through the classroom. I checked to see if anyone was here and then I closed the doors. "What do you want me say"? I asked. She didn't speak for a few seconds and then she started heading for the doors. "Where are you going? We have detention, remember"? I asked. She smiled, "I forgot that you're pregnant, so I could just use that as an excuse to get us out" She said. I was about to scold her for her stupid idea, but remembered that none of us wanted to be stuck in school. Before Amber left, Headmaster Flora came into the room. "You guys ready to clean and stack"? Headmaster Flora said with cleaning supplies. "Headmaster Flora, I forgot that Isabel is pregnant. She, obviously, can't do the work" Amber said with a serious face. "O-Oh. I thought that was just gossip" Headmaster Flora said with a sad face. I wanted to tell her everything was alright, but I rather kept quiet. "Yeah, you guys are off the hook. See you later" She said. I knew she was disappointed in me, but I tried to smile it off. We both left the classroom and started heading to our rides. "I was waiting for you, Amber" Sofia said leaning on a carriage. "No wonder why you never joined ballet. You have bad posture" Amber said changing the subject. We all laughed and smiled. "Oh, Sofia, I wanted to know if you wanted to go dress shopping with me" I said excitedly. "Don't pretend that nothing happened in the morning" She said with a serious face. "I-I know what happened. I just thought"- She interrupted me, "You just thought that I would obviously forgive you. It's nice and cherry Sofia. We're graduating, grow up" She said rudely. I wanted to snap back at her, but I wasn't the one to be mad. "Sofia, please just hear me out" I said with tears in my eyes. She didn't speak for a few seconds, "It's Princess Sofia" She finally said. She turned around and got in the carriage with Amber and then they left. "Wow, that was intense" Someone said. Zack sat next to me trying to comfort me. "It's not your job to comfort me! It's your job to take me home. Only that"! I yelled at him. He paused for a few seconds and then lead me to the carriage. I got in and then tried to wipe my tears away. "Z-Zack, I'm sorry I yelled at you" I said. He smiled, "It's okay. I heard pregnant woman are emotional especially when they're sad and angry" He said. "Shut up" I said jokingly. We left the school and then headed home.


The carriage stopped and we arrived at the palace. "Oh. I forgot to tell you that Elena is away at a royal convention, but Grandma and Grandpa are home" He said helping me off the carriage. "Thanks" I said in a happier mood. I ran through the gates and entered into the palace. "Hello"? I yelled throughout the floor. I closed the door behind me and then walked more inside. I saw a folded paper on the brown table, "What's this"? I whispered to myself. I opened it and then read it. I screeched, "GRANDMA! GRANDPA! I MADE IT INTO ROYAL PREP UNIVERSITY"! I said with excitement. I ran into the dining room, "SURPRISE"! They said. I ran and hugged Grandpa. "I did it! I'm the first girl in the family to go University"! I said. "Elena and your mom will be so proud of you" Grandma said. I smiled even more knowing that Mom was happy for me, even if she wasn't here with us. "I hope that they know about your condition" Grandpa said worried. "They wouldn't have accepted  me if they knew about it. They did"! I said. We smiled, laughed, and talked through the rest of the day. Finally, something good happened to me. Something I did by myself not by other people.

Hope you guys <3ed the chapter! If you're asking how is Isabel the first girl in the family to go to University: It's because Elena got home schooled throughout the most of her life so she didn't really go to Charming school. Also, her mom did the same. (Please know this fact may be false. This was just used for my story). Also, the reason why Sofia said Princess Sofia is because she's telling Isabel that they aren't friends anymore (calling her without the title Princess means she's your friend).

<3 Comentblaster06

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