Romantic Weekend

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It was the first day of Barry and Cait's romantic weekend away in Hawaii. They arrived last night and they started the "romance" right away. ;)

They were eating breakfast at a beachfront restaurant. "Wow, it's great here. No metahumans, no STAR labs, no stress," Cait exclaimed happily. Barry was watching a young couple behind them. There was a young red-headed girl in a wheelchair and her and a young man with black hair. It looked like they were on their honeymoon. Barry couldn't place it but he knew they looked familiar.

(This is Barbara Gordon and Tim Drake from the Arkham-Verse)

"Barry, Barry!" Cait shouted trying to get his attention. "What," Barry stammered. "Why are you creepily watching those two, it's weird," Cait whispered sternly. "I don't know they look familiar," Barry replied. In fact, he had seen them before. This is when...

Barry, Joe and Eddy were sitting in CCPD late at night waiting for their shifts to finish when a news flash came on the TV.  "Good Evening, we have an urgent message. Gotham's very own heroes Batman and Robin have been seen tonight on the streets of Central City chasing down the infamous Joker. Reports say that The Joker and his men infiltrated CC Bank and stole thousands. It seems The Caped Crusader and The Boy Wonder have come to thwart The Joker's evil scheme. More of this story to come!". "Woah Batman and Robin in Central City, awesome," Barry fanboyed.  

The Next Day

Barry was walking into CCPD and going into his lab when he saw a young red-headed woman in a wheelchair and a young man with black hair next to her. "ALLEN!" The Captain shouted. Barry gulped and approached his fuming Captain. "You're late, again!" he shouted. "We have a visitors from Gotham City. Gotham's Commissioner Gordon's daughter Barbara Gordon is visiting with her friend Tim Drake. You are going to show them around!" he snapped before walking off.

"Hi, I'm Barbara and this is Tim. You must be Barry Allen!" Barbara bubbled. 

Back In The Present, Barry had just remembered that couple and seemed kinda bugged still. So he decided to ask them about it later. It's not like they're total strangers.

A Few Hours Later

Barry and Cait were sitting on the beach totally making out when Barbara and Tim caught his eye. He got up pulled Cait up and took her hand and led her towards them. "Where are we going?" Cait questioned curiously. 

"Hi, I'm Barry Allen and this is my Fiancee Caitlin. You're Barbara Gordon and Tim Drake. We've met before," Barry said. "I remember you. Last year, we were visiting Central City and CCPD and you gave us the tour," Barbara replied. "Wow, I took me a while to remember that. You just knew," Barry replied surprised. "I have an eidetic memory," Barbara replied.

"I know this sounds crazy but do you two happen to work with Batman," Barry asked. "Errr nooo, why would you ask that?" Barbara lied horrendously. Cait burst out laughing. "And I thought me and Barry were bad liars," Cait continued to laugh. "How did you know?" Barbara asked curiously. "Well were at CCPD the same time Batman and Robin were that time. But I'm good friends with The Green Arrow and Felicity Smoak and they know sooo,". "Wait so you didn't tell me this," Cait asked shocked.

"Okay, everyone knows Bruce Wayne was Batman because of The Scarecrow thing. So you, Tim, you're Robin and Barbara you're Oracle formerly Batgirl," Barry explained. "I'm gonna kill Felicity," Barbara growled. "Wait so you're friends with The Green Arrow. But why would he tell you this stuff?" Tim asked. "Because I'm The Flash," Barry answered. "That's awesome I heard about you. You can run really fast. You're a metahuman," Barbara babbled. "My question is why aren't you guys in Gotham?" Cait asked. "We're on our Honeymoon," Barbara explained.      "Wait you guys are married?" Barry exclaimed. "Since when?"                                                                       "Since last week," Tim replied. They spent most of the day talking and getting to know one another.

"You guys should come back to Cental City some time there are always more metahumans to be caught," Cait remarked. "You guys should come to Gotham. Your powers could come in handy," Barbara added. 

"So when are you guys getting married?" Barbara asked. "I don't know, as soon as possible," Barry replied. "Yeah I don't want any more stuff to get in the way I think e should just start planning," Cait added. Ring! Ring! It was Barbara's phone. "Hey Dad, what's up. You're kidding right. Fine," Barbara looked pretty annoyed. "Two-Face broke out of jail we gotta go," Barbara stated grumpily. "Bye!" Barry and Cait chorused as they left.

"It looks like it's just us," Barry said sweetly. It was almost midnight now. They sat and watched the stars together and made out. "I love you," Barry whispered. "I love you too," Cait whispered before resuming their kiss. Evanually they returned to their room where they did you know what...

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