Celebrating The Union of Erica Jasmine Mena and Cynthia Santana Part 3

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So we are finally here and it's so beautiful here. My mom texted me and said the boys are with their granddads and they have Alana. I guess when we get there we will get cleaned up and then meet them for dinner later tonight. I just want to relax because I'm finally going to marry the woman of my dreams. The love of my life. The mother of my four amazing kids in just two days. These two days will go by so fast. We didn't want to be traditional and have parties so we decided to spend those two days with our kids and then the boys will come with me and Alana will stay with Cyn. Everything is coming together the way I planned. My surprises are here enjoying themselves before the big day. I bet you wondering where we are. I will let Cyn tell y'all

Erica:*waking Cyn up* Wake up baby...We here

Cyn: I'm sleepy babe

Erica: We get to see our babies

Cyn:*opens her eyes* I miss them

Erica: Come so we can go and see them

Cyn and Erica got up and got themselves together and walked off the jet

Cyn:*hands over her mouth* OMG BABY WE IN...gco

Erica:*Smiling* Yes we are baby.....I told you I would surprise you

Cyn: Coming to Costa Rica is a surprise baby.

Erica: Well technically our wedding isn't here

Cyn: What

Erica: Just go with it babe. Our wedding is in another destination

Cyn: Like where

Albee: Will you two bring your asses *getting back in the car*

Erica:*laughing* Damn man why he gotta rush us

Cyn: Erica you know I don't like surprises like that so just tell me

Erica: Our honeymoon is actually here but our wedding is in another spot

Cyn: But it's in Costa Rica right

Erica: In a way....Just another part of Costa Rica

Cyn: Well let's get these two days started

Erica and Cyn got in the truck and then they went to the hotel room and got settled in and took a quick nap

*4 hours later*

*at the dinner*

King: Where are our mother's

Sonia: Relax King they will be here soon

Alex: We miss them. I hate being apart from them

Prince: Yeah me too

Brian: Hey listen to me. Cyn and Erica love all of y'all more than anything. They needed to do something before coming here. I know they miss y'all more than anything. Once they get married then they have a whole week to themselves to do whatever they wish

King: What about us

Jason: Well we come back here and relax and chill the whole week

Jenn: That's true cause we are staying here until next week

Indie: Your parents will be here soon

Mari: Yeah cause y'all mean more to them then anything in this world

Whit: So are y'all happy about the wedding

King: I am cause it's a long time coming

Alex: It will be nice to be a complete family now

Prince: Yeah

King: Mama will be a Mena soon

Indie: I know she feels left out when y'all talk Mena talk

Alex: Mama does feel left out because all of us are Mena's

Sonia: Well in two days it will happen

Jenn:*smiling* Yes it will

*meanwhile with Erica and Cyn*

Erica: Babe how does this dress look

Cyn: I love it babe. I have one just like it but in red

Erica: My favorite color

Cyn: I know *kissing Erica* Let's hurry cause I don't want to miss dinner

Erica: Me either

Albee:*knocking on the door* Y'all not fucking are y'all

Erica:*walking to the door and opening it and laughing* Naw bro we are dressed and ready to go

Stella: Good cause we would have beat y'all nasty asses

China: That's true

Erica: Well we ready so let's go

Cyn:*grabbing the key card* Let's go see our kids

They made their way to the place where they were and surprised them

*meanwhile with the family*

Sonia: I think this was the best thing. No cameras. Small intimate thing and just family and some friends

Jenn: Yeah cause honestly all that whoopla isn't going to do noting but destroy their marriage before it even gets started

Sonia: I'm glad they have each other

Jenn: Me too

Erica: Hey everyone

Kids: MOMMY *running to hug her*

Erica: I missed my favorite boys in the world *hugging and kissing all of them*

King: Where's mama at

Cyn: I'm right here *walking up to them*

Kids: MAMA *running to her*

Cyn: How are my three favorite men of the house

Kids: We are great

Alex: Especially now that our parents are here

Cyn:*sits down next to Erica* Hey princess *kissing Alana hands*

Alana: Mama *smiling and clapping*

Cyn: You missed mama too

Alana: Yes

Erica: Mommy missed her princess too

Alana: I miss mommy too *smiling*

Sonia: So let's eat shall we

Brian/Jason: AMEN TO THAT

Everyone starts laughing and then talked and ate and laughed some more and then the kids and went with Cyn and Erica to their room and everyone else went to do their own thing.

*in the room with Cyn and Erica*

Erica: So what do y'all want to do

King: Let's watch a movie

Alex: That's cool with me

Cyn: Okay well let's get out of these clothes and then we will watch a movie

Everyone changed and then got in the bed with Cyn and Erica and watched a family movie

King: I love this mama and mommy

Erica: Me too son *smiling and looking at Cyn* I love you babe

Cyn:*smiling* I love you too

Erica: I can't wait to be your wife

Cyn: I can't either

They watched the movie until everyone went to sleep

How will the wedding go? Will there be drama? Will they finally be happy?

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