King's Therapy Session.......The Worst News Ever

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Right now I am in therapy or whatever they call it. To me I'm in a therapy session with my counselor and she asked me something I never that she would. Honestly I hate my mothers because they left me behind and didn't give me no second thought. I thought my mama loved me but I guess I was wrong. She didn't even carry me for 9 months. Still the bond we had was everything to me and now that bond is broken and it will never be the same. EVER!!!! Anyways let's get back to my session shall we

Counselor: So King *sitting down in the chair* What's going on

King: Well you just missed my family *faintly smiling*

Counselor: What's wrong King

King: You know I'm still upset about being sent here and not living with my family

Counselor: Yes and you didn't talk to them about it

King: No*tears forming* I love my family more than anything but they left me behind like I didn't matter to them

Counselor: They love you King....They did what was best for you and for them too

King: What's best for me....What's best for me *laughing* They didn't do that lady *laughing* They did the complete opposite. I loved them but now I hate them and don't want to see them ever again

Counselor: You don't hate them King....You are just upset and everything you feeling is coming to a head

King: They don't care about me....They not doing what's best for me....They are nothing to me and now my brothers mean absolutely nothing to me cause they agreed with them women

Counselor: King your angry about something....What's going on King.....What is it you not telling me

King: I'm not angry and I just want to move forward with my life

Counselor: What is it your not telling me King....What is this move forward thing with you....You could never move forward without family

King: What family....I have no family

Counselor: Yes you do King.....Your family calls and writes you letters and then they came to see you......That's what family does King

King: It shouldn't even be this way honestly

Counselor: What are you saying King.....What's wrong with you

King:*sighs* I rather be with my father

Counselor: Raul Conde right

King: Yes

Counselor: Why do you want to live with your father King

King: He cares about me and he actually wants what's best for me

Counselor: You think your mothers didn't

King: I know they didn't and honestly lady you getting on my nerves about those women

Counselor: Well they are your mothers King

Raul:*walking in* That's about to change....Hey son

King: DADDY *runs to hug Raul*

Raul: You ready to get out this place


Raul: You really think I would leave my son here in this place with no family around him

King:*smiling* No

Raul: Well King go and get your stuff cause you coming home with me

King runs to his room and gather's his stuff and then heads back to where Raul and the Counselor were

Raul: That was fast *laughing*

King: Let's go dad

Raul: Whatever you say son

They walk out and head to Raul's house

*meanwhile with Erica and Cyn*

I know Cyn is still down about King and seeing her like this is making sad. I hate to see her like this cause she loves King more than anything in the world. I know she's been crying and I don't know what to say to make her feel any better.

Erica: Babe *laying down next to Cyn*

Cyn:*tears falling*

Erica:*puts her hand on Cyn* Babe you okay

Cyn:*wipes her tears*

Erica: It's gonna be okay babe....We will go back there tomorrow and we will talk to him

Cyn:*tears flowing again*

Erica: Cyn please talk to me....Tell me what do or say to make you feel better

Cyn: I want my son back with us Erica *wiping her tears* Can you do that for me

Erica: I will do anything for you babe

Cyn: I want my son back before we leave here and head back to the El Salvador

Erica: We will get him back babe

*phone rings*

Erica: I'll get it *walks over to the dresser and picks up the phone* Hello

Counselor: Mrs. Mena

Erica: Yes

Counselor: I'm King's Counselor....Mrs. Taylor and I am calling because King is no longer enrolled in our school

Erica: Wait a minute....What do you mean King's no longer enrolled in the school...What's going on

Mrs. T: Well King's father took him out and as long as he has proof that he's the father he can take him out

Erica: You do know that we have custody of King

Cyn: What's going on babe

Erica: Wait babe.....So you just let Raul take King away and didn't think to notify me sooner


Mrs. T: I'm sorry Mrs. Mena

Erica: I'm coming after y'all but first I have to find my child *hangs up the phone*

Cyn: Talk to me babe....Where's King at

Erica: Raul came and took him out the school.....Now I have to track both of them down

Cyn: You know I'm not letting you do this alone

Erica: I know

Cyn: Let's do this babe

Erica: Let's take the kids to your moms house

Cyn: Okay

They drive to Cyn's moms house and dropped the kids off and then they headed to Erica's HER office to get a plan together

Erica: I know Raul and I know he leaves tracks so this will be easier than a bitch

Cyn: Well I am all ears babe

Erica tells Cyn the plan and then they agreed to a great plan hours later and they head home to get some sleep before getting ready to get King back

What will Erica and Cyn do to Raul? Will King even want to go?

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